My opinion on how this could be done the right way next time. Seems to me like you are changing way too many variables midstream to expect consistent results.
1. Set up profile (accurately) for your rifle and Nosler Accubond ammo in ballistic calculator. Need tp make sure you're selecting the right projectile from the library. Use banded BC's if they're an option. Use MV from the box (try dope, won't be correct)
2. Zero your rifle with Nosler Accubond. Not 2" high at 100... actual zero. If the click value of your optic isn't fine enough to get you to exact zero, fill in the zero offset boxes in calculator. This shouldn't take more than 10 shots. Do not clean your barrel.
3. Use the try dope generated in calculator from box MV to shoot at a target somewhere from 400-600 yards. Use impacts to figure out actual elevation needed. Verify it. Take that actual elevation needed back to the calculator and use it to true the muzzle velocity. This shouldn't take more than 10 shots either. If it does take more than 10, you probably shouldn't be shooting at animals that far away.
4. If you want to practice with cheaper ammo, repeat process. Completely different profile. Pay attention to how the zero changes from Accubonds. That needs to be entered into zero offset.