CWD Impact in WI

Nobody shot him, plenty of pics post-gun where he’s bullet free and talked to the neighbors that saw him. CWD basically makes it look like they don’t fit into their own fur. This has become a common find for us unfortunately.
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Nobody shot him, plenty of pics post-gun where he’s bullet free and talked to the neighbors that saw him. CWD basically makes it look like they don’t fit into their own fur. This has become a common find for us unfortunately.

I’m not saying deer don’t die of cwd. But really you don’t think this is probably a wound? Especially considering this picture was a few days after gun deer season

"The sky is falling" message sold by government and bought
so easily by John Q Public garners untold $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
to those selling it.

And they've learned that they can even create the doomsday scenarios themselves
and make even more. Global warming anyone? Covid ?

And don't forget the bird flu which maybe killed 10,000 chickens but
the "experts" decided over 100 Million be destroyed. Did you know that
the bird flu in chickens was created in Gain of Function research in Georgia
that figured out a way for it to be transmitted from mallard ducks to

Just like any disease some will die others will survive.
Natural immunity; it's a "thing".
It works.

Sure, a disease can drastically lower the population to a level that
threatens its extinction but deliberately killing healthy and possibly
immune members is, what's the scientific term I'm looking for........

oh, yeah,
