CVA Accura LRX or Paramount Pro

Curious when you were shooting 170gr by volume out of the Paramount Pro, what projectile did you use?
I ended up backing off the 170gr by volume number a bit, my sweet spot ended up being 115gr by wt. (~165gr vol) of BH209 out of the paramount.

I shot the Hornady ELDX and they shot good. But my favorite bullet and the one I ended up hunting with was the Fury 320 gr.
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I ended up backing off the 170gr by volume number a bit, my sweet spot ended up being 115gr by wt. (~165gr vol) of BH209 out of the paramount.

I shot the Hornady ELDX and they shot good. But my favorite bullet and the one I ended up hunting with was the Fury 320 gr.
Awesome, Thanks for the reply!
I have the MRX, and killed a moose with it with no fuss at about 80 yards. I wouldn't take a shot much over 100, and 150 would be the absolute outside.

I think the Paramount Pro would probably do the job at 300.

Closing that last 200 yards on the stalk can be pretty tough in some conditions. I'd trade mine for a Paramount, I think, but it depends on your use case.
I have an LRX with the Williams Western Precision sights on it and with a the 330 gr Powerbelt ELR and 120 gr volume (90 gr weight) of blackhorn 209 I am shooting 1.5 inch groups at 120 yards. You need good eyes with the front globe sight though.
I know this is old, but I am looking at buying a LRX and putting a muzzle brake on it. Do you know which Williams sight you have and did it fit without modification. Thanks
I know this is old, but I am looking at buying a LRX and putting a muzzle brake on it. Do you know which Williams sight you have and did it fit without modification. Thanks
I ordered the globe sight that was for CVA. They had issues when the rifles first came out. I believe they resolved that issue. If you have any concerns call Williams and ask them, they will point you in the right direction 👍🏻
Just put one on my MR-X and the front sight issue has been resolved, fit flush. I really like the sight. I have not shot open sights in forever, but shooting > 0.5 inch groups at 50 yards so far. Getting ready for a hunt in CO this year.
ElkIvory just put a muzzle rake on my MR-X today. Hope to shoot it on the next couple of days. Love my muzzle brakes on a 300 win mag and 7 mm mag! Just remember to wear hearing protection!!!!!!!
Just put one on my MR-X and the front sight issue has been resolved, fit flush. I really like the sight. I have not shot open sights in forever, but shooting > 0.5 inch groups at 50 yards so far. Getting ready for a hunt in CO this year.
Did you buy the model with open sights and pulled them off for Williams Precision or did you buy model with rail and then put williams on? I'm thinking I should buy model with rail and sight in with scope, then buy williams sight and pull rail off.

Muzzle-Loaders™ Muzzle Brake - .50 Caliber - 3/4x24 Threads - MZ1502 Its just like my SRS TI Pro's on my rifles.​

I got the MR-X with the open sites and replaced with the front and rear Williams site with the fiber optic front globe. I'll use it this year in CO and then get a rail and add a scope if I get the urge for hunting in TN. But 95% of my shots in TN will be >100 yards so may just keep the open sights!​

3 shots and I was sighted in at 50 yards with 100 grains of Triple 7 and 340 grain Hornady Bore Driver ELD-X. Can't find any BlackHorn.

I will probably order the LR-X with peep sight. I'm going to try to find out if you can keep the peep that comes on it and just order the globe with inserts for the front. I'm still deciding if I want the muzzle-loaders brake or the anarchy brake. Thanks for your help. I have an Accura V2 with the williams precision sight I used last year. I am buying this gun so I can put a brake on it to reduce recoil. I have a 338 win mag I put a brake on in early '90's. Local gunsmith threaded barrel and built brake. I can shoot it all day.
I have never liked the Anarchy style brakes on my rifles. Always have better recoil reduction with the muzzle loaders style.

I've seen threads stating the the stock rear peep didn't have enough travel to work with the Williams front sight. They may have fixed that issue????
I have never liked the Anarchy style brakes on my rifles. Always have better recoil reduction with the muzzle loaders style.

I've seen threads stating the the stock rear peep didn't have enough travel to work with the Williams front sight. They may have fixed that issue????
Talked with Colten at today and he says the williams western precision works now. I am going to order either the LR-X or the MR-X and their muzzle brake and williams western precision sight. I am going to order the fiber optic version since it has openings to let light in. I have the card with reticles from my other gun, so I can use one of them if I choose. I will order gun with rail, since I will be replacing front and rear sight. Trying to make up my mind on LR or MR rifle. Where we hunt is either in a blind or pretty easy hike. All private land.
I like that idea, but I might have trouble explaining to my wife. She already thinks I made up my recoil damaged eye just to get another gun!
I mean, there's no rule against having two for a followup shot, right? Just need to trick a buddy into carrying it for you.
You bring up a good question. If you're hunting with a buddy and you shoot, would it be legal for your buddy to hand you their muzzy for a follow up shot? Colorado specifally.