I can't be certain as to what it is (if anything) but the string material in and of itself is already pretty good in the weather. Anytime you add "extreme" to anything it is more of a marketing ploy.
There are many many aftermarket options in strings now-a-days. I was ablw to tour the America's Best Bowstrings factory and must say I am very impressed with their attention to detail and quality control! I have been using their strings since 2007 and never have had a problem. They also stand behind their product 110%! There is a lot to say about a company that will support you no matter what! ABB is my choice by far!
Usually the first thing I do. The stock strings then become back-ups in the event they are needed.
Parkinson's Precision Bowstrings is where I get mine, best strings I have shot and I used to shoot nothing but Winners Choice. Great guy to deal with as well.
I run factory strings for about 500 shots to get them settled in and worn so that IF I HAVE TO make a quick switch during season I am ready. I ran Winners Choice last year for the 8190X material but since Americas Best is using it I will be back over with them (OUT OF OHIO).
All these string choices is making me crazy. I was going to pull the trigger on WC this week but after reading everything you guys are posting, I'm beginning to second guess my decision