Crispi Briksdal's or Idaho's?


Nov 30, 2013
They both look good, but I'd like some different opinions before pulling the trigger.

Here's the situation: Come December I'm going back to north central Idaho to hunt lion and Bobcats for two weeks and want to get a new pair of boots. Last year I did just the lion hunt for one week and wore a pair of Crispi Crossovers with gaitors and was relatively pleased with the results. On that hunt we covered some pretty rough country and while on the snow machines I wore boot blankets over my boots. When it was time to chase cats my feet stayed dry, but a tad cold. I also slipped a lot packing my lion out. I'm 5'7" and 160#. Not exactly what you'd call a big guy and the Crossovers have a flex rating of 2. The idaho's are a 3 and the Briskdals are a 4.

I'm liking the Briksdal's but am just wondering if the 4 will be too stiff as light as I am. The other is if I should go with the insulated or uninsulated. Thoughts?
I’m 6’3” and 165lbs. And I love the Briksdals. I’ve tried the Wild Rock Gtx which are a 3 on their stiffness scale and thought they were too soft.
I have about 75 miles on the briksdals with no issues.