Creepy experiences in the backcountry


Apr 20, 2023
It's honestly not much to look at, just some old field stones set out as headstones. After seeing a couple that were officially identified, I've stumbled on a few over the years. This one has a low wall to mark it and a little pillar. Otherwise I might not even have been sure that I was looking at a graveyard.


Oct 28, 2015
It's honestly not much to look at, just some old field stones set out as headstones. After seeing a couple that were officially identified, I've stumbled on a few over the years. This one has a low wall to mark it and a little pillar. Otherwise I might not even have been sure that I was looking at a graveyard.
View attachment 766741
Pretty interesting even if it isn't a lot to look at.

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Oct 18, 2022
To get to one of my spots, I walk past a slave cemetery.

I’ve been hunting behind an old overgrown cemetery this bow season. Coyotes must be bedding in it and they lose their mind yipping at sunrise.

If you’d never heard the sounds they can make, and you heard them coming out of the cemetery I could see that resulting in a story or two.
Sep 22, 2021
Western NC
I've hunted on the edge of a small family grave yard from the 1920s. It was kinda creepy but also thr perfect spot to shot a buck that was walking the bench right below the graveyard. But I shot a buck there and so did another buddy.

There are a ton of family grave yards in Central NC. Alot of public land use to be some family's farm. The only thing that still kinda freaks me out is old wells that aren't capped. Nearly fell into one and you'd never have thought that the area had a house there at one point.


Jul 28, 2014
I’ll add to this since I just got back and this is toward the top. Elk hunted the past few days 2 miles up an established trail with zero human activity. No tracks other than mine anywhere on the trail. I religiously kick sticks off of trails. Always have. For one, I don’t want to trip in the dark and two don’t want to make any noise. I cleared this trail in and out twice a day, just habit. Every trip in and out there were MANY sticks only in the trail, perfectly perpendicular to the trail so they were across it. One or two in two miles, ok, limbs fall. Literally 20 a trip…probably seems insignificant but when you start noticing seems very Blair Witchy…which I don’t care what anyone says, that’s the scariest movie a solo backcountry hunter can watch. Don’t do it.
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Sep 24, 2021
I've got one more weird one from southwest NM. It took place in 2017 in a roadless wilderness study area. I'm with a group of 4 guys, all good friends in mid 30's. We have 2 bull elk tags between the 4 of us and are 5 miles into this roadless area and set up a spike camp. No horses, just on foot. Before sunrise the next am, we take off and split up into pairs and we are each going to climb to two peaks that are approximately 2 miles apart and glass the morning, as we have not been here before.

Well, the guy I'm paired with and I make it to the edge of the last drainage we need to cross before climbing to our peak, and we see a camp. We are immediately pissed that someone else made it into here before us. We can see the tent clear as day across this drainage and it has an obvious lantern hanging from the tent pole with two guys milling about this tent looking like they are getting boots on, etc. before the day. It is still an hour before sunup. We made sure to turn headlamps off to not give away our position. We can see our other pair of friends red headlamps a mile away as they are climbing the other peak. Well, we just start following them, pissed off that this camp is right below our peak that we were going to glass. We figured our buddies saw this camp as well, as it was lit up and in a relatively high, open spot.

When we finally peaked out on our buddies mountain, they were like, "why the hell aren't you glassing from the other peak"? We said, because of those other guys camp. They got there first and there is no way elk are moving there anyway with their camp overlooking that drainage. The other two guys never saw this camp. They thought we were crazy. Anyway, that afternoon we all 4 made our way down and back to spike camp together, but we were going to introduce ourselves to that other camp on the way back. All that was there were the remains of an old shredded canvas wall tent with a rusty lantern laying half buried in the dirt and a few old steel pots and pans. This camp was at least 50 years old. No boot prints, nothing. I never had an uneasy feeling this entire time. I don't read about or believe in hauntings or ghost stories, but I cannot explain this any other way than we were witnessing two buddies trapped for eternity in their last hunting camp for some reason. We still refer to that drainage as ghost camp, and have been back several times since and never had any hair raising feelings. I like to think those two guys are good old boys from a previous time that would rather give us a cup of coffee than spook us in some way.


Jul 28, 2014
I've got one more weird one from southwest NM. It took place in 2017 in a roadless wilderness study area. I'm with a group of 4 guys, all good friends in mid 30's. We have 2 bull elk tags between the 4 of us and are 5 miles into this roadless area and set up a spike camp. No horses, just on foot. Before sunrise the next am, we take off and split up into pairs and we are each going to climb to two peaks that are approximately 2 miles apart and glass the morning, as we have not been here before.

Well, the guy I'm paired with and I make it to the edge of the last drainage we need to cross before climbing to our peak, and we see a camp. We are immediately pissed that someone else made it into here before us. We can see the tent clear as day across this drainage and it has an obvious lantern hanging from the tent pole with two guys milling about this tent looking like they are getting boots on, etc. before the day. It is still an hour before sunup. We made sure to turn headlamps off to not give away our position. We can see our other pair of friends red headlamps a mile away as they are climbing the other peak. Well, we just start following them, pissed off that this camp is right below our peak that we were going to glass. We figured our buddies saw this camp as well, as it was lit up and in a relatively high, open spot.

When we finally peaked out on our buddies mountain, they were like, "why the hell aren't you glassing from the other peak"? We said, because of those other guys camp. They got there first and there is no way elk are moving there anyway with their camp overlooking that drainage. The other two guys never saw this camp. They thought we were crazy. Anyway, that afternoon we all 4 made our way down and back to spike camp together, but we were going to introduce ourselves to that other camp on the way back. All that was there were the remains of an old shredded canvas wall tent with a rusty lantern laying half buried in the dirt and a few old steel pots and pans. This camp was at least 50 years old. No boot prints, nothing. I never had an uneasy feeling this entire time. I don't read about or believe in hauntings or ghost stories, but I cannot explain this any other way than we were witnessing two buddies trapped for eternity in their last hunting camp for some reason. We still refer to that drainage as ghost camp, and have been back several times since and never had any hair raising feelings. I like to think those two guys are good old boys from a previous time that would rather give us a cup of coffee than spook us in some way.

I got cold chills reading that one in my living room…
I have a buddy that has a story I don’t like to even think about. I don’t remember all the details so I won’t butcher it on here but I think I’ll go back to happier threads.