Creepy experiences in the backcountry


Oct 31, 2016
Dunno. But I've felt a sense kind of like you describe, I guess call it mega fight/flight/emergency/some shit's not right and I can't figure it out/reptile brain type of thing and for lack of a better phrase my ears go buzzy/fuzzy and I feel 'detached.' Like "I'm" not the one in control. Freaky stuff.

I remember a moment one night in Kenya where I was having an awful nightmare and got that feeling, woke up, opened my eyes, and the dream still played... now that was some shit... I had to shake myself out of that dream.
I recall it being nothing but deadly quiet with absolutely no sense of detachment. In fact, I was so tuned into my perceived surroundings that I kind of felt like my spidey-senses were in high gear in an effort to detect any potential danger. I felt as if I might be attacked and overwhelmed any second. Not a pleasant feeling, for sure.


May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
More weird than creepy....

I was scouting my upcoming elk unit last week with a buddy. We were on a motorcycle trail on his fat tire bikes with him out in front.

Lightning fast, A big badger attacked my buddy in front, grabbed at his boot, bit the peg and tried to bit his tire. My buddy skidded to a stop and the badger stopped attacking and dashed for its hole 30 feet in front of us right in the middle of the road. Probably a mama protecting its babies.

I'm glad it was him as no way I would have been able to stay upright on that bike with a badger tugging on me.

We drove over the badger hole without incident.