I got one for you guys. Been lurking these forums for a few months now I figure I should contribute.
This story takes place during a rafting trip on the deschutes river in central Oregon. My girlfriend and I had decided to drive down from the Seattle area for the famous salmonfly hatch.
With that being said, due to the timing of the year there’s a ton of people on the water. Guides doing day trips, as well as other folks like my girlfriend and I spending a couple days fishing, floating, and camping.
Our first day of the trip goes by pretty poorly. I had a crappy boat and no idea what I was doing. Dry bags leaked, I hit a rock and got us a sizeable leak and then had forgotten the bucket so I spent the rest of the trip bailing out the boat with a water bottle non stop. So needless to say, we’re both pretty frustrated and tired and as the day turns to dusk we’re scouting out any possible spot to throw our tent up for the evening and get out of that crappy boat.
Finally things are looking up for us - we come up on this beautiful stretch of water with a small island diverting the river into two flows, with the main flow going along the deep left channel at a pretty good clip. On the right side bank a big clearing surrounded by tall grasses. This is where we chose to make camp for the night.
We do some fishing, cook, and decide to lay down for bed and read until it’s time to really go to sleep at full dark. Going out to take a leak nobody as far as I could see or hear had decided to camp anywhere near us, and prior to a few boats floating on by while we set up camp as far as we knew, we were alone.
That’s when the music started. At first it sounded almost faintly like someone was throwing a rave, with dance music and the like. My girlfriend and I looked at each other like “what the hell?” but we chocked it up to the wind carrying sound from far away because at this point the music was still intermittent.
It gets louder. and louder. And now we can make out the music except it’s not. You know that feeling when someone is blasting the bass out of their car subwoofers and you can feel it in your chest, and in your head? We’re feeling their, whoever they are, music through the ground as we’re trying to sleep. and all we can hear is this unworldly, jarring, collection of disjointed bass / drum notes coming through the ground. It doesn’t resemble any music I’ve ever heard, or even any sort of “beat” you could dance to.
By midnight or 1am we’re starting to getting really damn pissed off. It has been since around 10pm since they started and so that’s when I finally decide to go find whoever the hell they are and shut down that damn noise. I have one of those really powerful headlights that lets you output like 1500 lumens for a short burst and it really just lights up the whole damned countryside for hundreds of feet.
So all pissed off I jump out of the tent and turn up my headlight of doom and I’m just furiously scanning everywhere I can see. Up and down the river, behind us as far as I can on our own bank, across clear to the other bank, and the little island in the middle. And there’s not a single thing in sight. Complete pitch darkness. I turn off my headlight to see if I was washing out any light and I stand there for about 10 minutes to see if my eyes adjust and see anything. Absolutely nothing at all and this maddening noise is going on endlessly.
At this point I realize it’s the same three disjointed “songs” playing over and over endlessly. My girlfriend starts crying because she’s exhausted from the bass rattling our skulls while our heads on laying down on our pillows. We’re unable to sleep for hours as this thing continues on through the night.
Finally, sometime around 4:30- 5am it must have stopped and we both drifted off to sleep. I have a hard time sleeping in so I woke up by myself at around 6:30-7 and I roll out of bed furious, once more just going out to go see if I can find whatever bastards were making that noise all night long.
We never saw or found any sign of those people. we waited until about 9am slowly breaking camp after eating breakfast before we rowed out in the main current and back rowed to try to get a good look at the other side of the small island, and we saw no signs of people.
The only reasonable theory we have is that sometime after we went to bed, some folks floated down to the far side of the little island and threw some sort of… party? Ritual? All through the night and somehow slipped out between 4:30 and 6:30 AM. If I wasn’t with my girlfriend and she hadn’t corroborated as well I would’ve thought i was going insane. Just one long maddening sleepless night full of the same noise over and over, with no evidence before, during, or after that it ever happened.
I was eyeing every boat we passed or passed us for the remainder of the trip looking for anyone who was packing serious audio equipment and we saw nothing.
TL,DR: I have experienced something similar, but different, and have come to suspect an underground natural gas pipeline as the culprit.
My wife and I moved to rural property two years ago. For two spring seasons now, I have been hearing rhythmic bass noises in the early morning, sometimes extending throughout the day. The closest noise comparison to what I hear is the sound of a small four-stroke motor trying to start for about one second, then stopping. Like when you are camping and someone starts up their quad on the other side of a hill, where you can just hear/feel the bass elements of the noise, with all the high-end starter/mechanical noise stripped away. The noise is more detectable by feel than my actual ears, and is quiet enough where any background noise makes it hard to pick up. It seems to come from the ground, and I definitely seem to hear it more often if I am near a geographical feature, like a deep terrace cut we made to level an area, an old outhouse, or our 4 foot utility trenches (when they were open). It can happen every 30 seconds, or it could happen once a day. I have since heard the same noise consistently on a small lake we kayak fish, when we are out on the water. Depending at where I am on the lake, the noise will sound like it comes from different compass directions. I also heard it once while hiking on a bench above a river that lies in a bit of a valley. If I plot these three points on a map, it makes a triangle with roughly 5-mile sides. At all three locations, the sound presents at the same "volume", meaning nowhere does it sound like the source is closer or further away.
My wife never hears noises that I hear, so the first year, I gave up trying to get her to hear it. This last spring, I got her to hear it at both our property and on the lake. Last year, my parents were with me when I heard it hiking by the river, and they heard it too.
I have been hearing about the so-called "worldwide hum" phenomenon for several years, so I began looking into that. What I found out is that the hum is sort of a catch-all for any environmental auditory phenomena that people experience. Most people that I read about experiencing it either hear a truck idling (kind of similar to mine) or a high-pitched whine. Unfortunately, with the decline of literacy you have a lot of people that are just incapable of describing what they hear, or even understanding what the words they use actually mean. Which is why there are people who hear what sounds like the bass rumble of a large engine idling and think of it as a "hum", kind of like people who think sour and bitter mean the same thing. I did read extensively about a college professor who has been running a study on the hum phenomenon for years. It seems like this professor come to the conclusion that the actual unidentified phenomenon is a higher-pitched hum that people hear that does not actually exist, and is possibly caused by some additive in sodas, with a huge percentage of people thinking that any unidentified noise they hear puts them in the hum club. So I ruled that out as what I was experiencing.
I also looked at industrial noise, which is the obvious answer. My area is mostly national forest, with no large quarrying or mining to speak of. This never seemed like the answer to me anyway, since the uniformity of the volume no matter where I hear it it is the same, and a sound from a pinpoint location like a quarry or mine would seem to diminish the further you get from it. Regardless, there are no operations like this within the triangle of where I hear the noise. We also have busy rail lines in the area. We can hear the train when it rolls through an area about 6 miles from us, but the mystery noise is nothing like the various noises that trains make.
What we also have in the area is a large natural gas pipeline that basically runs through the entire county from north to south. I have learned that these large gas lines need what is called a compressor station about every 50 miles because they have to constantly re-pressurize the gas to keep it moving. At this point, I think that this is the most likely source for the noise. I think because it runs the length of the county, it explains the uniform volume I hear. I don't fully understand how it can sound the same when I am 1/4 mile (the river spot) or 5 miles away (our property and the lake are both about 5 miles from the pipe), but I know that sound and vibration conducts strangely underground. The funny thing is that we lived less than a mile from one of the compressor stations, and about 100 yards from the actual pipeline for one winter and spring before we moved to this property, and I never heard the noise there.