I am very new to western hunting, in my second season after moving to Utah from Ohio 3 years ago. Hunting a buddies property once or twice a year growing up but was never really into it. Fast forward to now i’m addicted to getting into the mountains chasing whatever is in season. I have had a few unsettling encounters in my short time in the mountains.
1. My first turkey season out here and first time hunting in the mountains, I decided to take a “short cut” which ended up with me bush whacking up about the steeping face one could actually make it up. I finally get to the saddle at the top and look over to see a tent tucked into some trees. My first thought was that someone was hunting back here and just stumbled across there camp, but after looking at it something didn’t feel right. The spot was miserable to get to and the tent was tucked weirdly into the trees almost as if they didn’t want to be seen. I worked up the courage the get closer and realized that it had been there for quite some time (torn tent, rusty cans of food) and all of the persons belongings were left inside, sleeping bag, extra food, backpack, etc. The only rational I could think of is 1. the person is dead on the mountain somewhere 2. the person was hiding out and has since been caught. Deciding in that moment I was getting a handgun and my carry permit for all future backcountry adventures.
2. The last season, I decided to hunt the same general area with a buddy, scouted it this year, set a trail cam, got a few pictures of a tom. The road I typically take in had washed out and was closed so we came in from the other side. This is just a random canyon on a small mountain range, it seems like locals will camp in the pull offs but nothing noteworthy. Pulling onto the dirt road that leads into the canyon, there’s about a dozen DWR officers with vests on, stopping all cars going into the canyon checking IDs and registration on Sunday afternoon in May. I asked the officer if this is something they do regularly and he hesitated and said “yea once in while” after looking at my license he sent us on our way. We immediately decided they must be looking for someone who they think may be heading for the hills.
3. That same trip, I ended up calling in a turkey for my buddy (he shot with my gun after bringing the wrong shells for his) and we decided to pack up camp and head to a different spot in the morning. As we packed out, I caught some eye shine off the side of the trail down in a drainage. We didn’t think much of it but continued to glance down and check where it was as we continued to walk. I look down and can’t find the animal, take a few steps, look back down and it’s not lower to the ground and has cut the distance in half. We both stop dead in our tracks and start throwing rocks at what we assume is a mountain lion stalking us. We throw some rocks and both unholster our sidearms when the “lion” stands up and bounds off with the other deer further down the drainage.

4. I’ve hunted alone of majority of this deer/elk season, the unit I have a tag for has a lot of road access and i’ve been fortunate enough to find some pretty good spots for both about a mile or so from the road which allows me to camp at the truck. At 2am one night, I wake up to something growling outside of my tent, at first I think i’m imagine things then realize that this animal is very real. It was a new moon so I couldn’t see anything outside but whatever it was was close and wasn’t moving. I grabbed my gun and worked up the courage to shine my light out the window of the tent, only to be blind myself with the reflection! At that moment I decided if whatever was out there wanted to get me it was welcome to, pulled my blanket over my head and went back to bed once it moved off.