Creepy experiences in the backcountry

Not the creepiest but the other week we were hunting Axis deer and drove to a pretty remote area off-road. Came around a corner and saw this Jeep rolled in a gulch, it was steeper than it looks in the pics. that initial feeling wasn’t good but fortunately no one was in it, that could’ve been a bad situation. We had noticed footprints going up the hill as we drove down, must have been a long walk out. Reported it to the cops, they hadn’t heard anything, figured it might have been stolen or something. CF66650B-7B39-4588-9095-9F4C30031623.jpeg27745509-E321-4DDD-9098-CB3F64F10279.jpeg
Now that my creepy story credibility is in question, I need to figure out who Mr Ballen is.........
He is former military and now tells stories of the strange, dark, & mysterious on social media. He also tortures the like button.... good stuff honestly.

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Well this isn't creepy but I guess could be considered scary.

One time we drove to the coast to go spring bear hunting. We were on a piece of public ground at our campsite. This big jacked up ford rolls by and slams on the breaks and backs up. They come into our camp. It is three hot headed teenagers. They are all armed and angry. One of the dudes asked what we are doing here on with our quads and asked if we are mushroom picking. We explain we are bear hunting. They look pissed and say we should leave and go to the biscuit fire area for bears. We say no were fine here and the driver starts going off and saying that we better be careful where we drive those four wheelers cause it's his "mama's property". I didn't feel like explaining that this was public land just to avoid an argument. We had already been there hunting for several days and were planning on leaving the next day so we were not in any mood to move camp and weren't going to. So they decide to leave. The drive out of the camp and stop and the passenger pulls out an AK-47 and unloads the whole magazine. We were all ducking and I pull out my 45 and my hunting partner yell "NO" and startles me so I don't shoot. Then they drove off never to be seen again. I think they were shooting in the air and not at us but how was I to know?

That night we found a fresh bear carcass just below our camp where they took the head and some brisket meat and left the rest to rot. It didn't stink yet. We figured maybe they were marijuana farmers or something. Or maybe they were the bear poachers and didn't want us to find the carcass. Anyway it was a puckering experience. Some of these Oregon coast people!
Well this isn't creepy but I guess could be considered scary.

One time we drove to the coast to go spring bear hunting. We were on a piece of public ground at our campsite. This big jacked up ford rolls by and slams on the breaks and backs up. They come into our camp. It is three hot headed teenagers. They are all armed and angry. One of the dudes asked what we are doing here on with our quads and asked if we are mushroom picking. We explain we are bear hunting. They look pissed and say we should leave and go to the biscuit fire area for bears. We say no were fine here and the driver starts going off and saying that we better be careful where we drive those four wheelers cause it's his "mama's property". I didn't feel like explaining that this was public land just to avoid an argument. We had already been there hunting for several days and were planning on leaving the next day so we were not in any mood to move camp and weren't going to. So they decide to leave. The drive out of the camp and stop and the passenger pulls out an AK-47 and unloads the whole magazine. We were all ducking and I pull out my 45 and my hunting partner yell "NO" and startles me so I don't shoot. Then they drove off never to be seen again. I think they were shooting in the air and not at us but how was I to know?

That night we found a fresh bear carcass just below our camp where they took the head and some brisket meat and left the rest to rot. It didn't stink yet. We figured maybe they were marijuana farmers or something. Or maybe they were the bear poachers and didn't want us to find the carcass. Anyway it was a puckering experience. Some of these Oregon coast people!

Should have shot them.
Well this isn't creepy but I guess could be considered scary.

One time we drove to the coast to go spring bear hunting. We were on a piece of public ground at our campsite. This big jacked up ford rolls by and slams on the breaks and backs up. They come into our camp. It is three hot headed teenagers. They are all armed and angry. One of the dudes asked what we are doing here on with our quads and asked if we are mushroom picking. We explain we are bear hunting. They look pissed and say we should leave and go to the biscuit fire area for bears. We say no were fine here and the driver starts going off and saying that we better be careful where we drive those four wheelers cause it's his "mama's property". I didn't feel like explaining that this was public land just to avoid an argument. We had already been there hunting for several days and were planning on leaving the next day so we were not in any mood to move camp and weren't going to. So they decide to leave. The drive out of the camp and stop and the passenger pulls out an AK-47 and unloads the whole magazine. We were all ducking and I pull out my 45 and my hunting partner yell "NO" and startles me so I don't shoot. Then they drove off never to be seen again. I think they were shooting in the air and not at us but how was I to know?

That night we found a fresh bear carcass just below our camp where they took the head and some brisket meat and left the rest to rot. It didn't stink yet. We figured maybe they were marijuana farmers or something. Or maybe they were the bear poachers and didn't want us to find the carcass. Anyway it was a puckering experience. Some of these Oregon coast people!
That is scary and far scarier than a four legged encounter.

I hunt alone so I might have handled it differently given their aggression.

I was cutting logs on a heli sale,working through my strip and came across a bunch of reed crosses on strings hanging from tree limbs. At the time, I wondered wtf? Then the Blair Witch Project came out and the hair stood up on my neck. When I was a Sawyer, I got to see a lot of weird things in the woods.
Wow is all I can say after reading this, amazing thread. Took me 2 days to read all 40 pages, awesome read. Here are some of the creepiest things I’ve experienced.
Grouse grouse grouse
They get me every dang time, almost crapped myself many a time while still hunting, normally for bears on logging roads which is freaky when they jump out right underneath me. The thing about grouse is that it’s a grouse until it isn’t. 2 weeks ago I filled my bear tag when I thought a grouse was above me on the road I was hiking on and suddenly a bear leaps onto the road at 20 yards! Quick shot from the shoulder and it drops dead off the side of the road. One of my first times hunting alone at 16 years old I was bow hunting for turkeys and thought I heard a bird sized animal ruffling up the leaves on the ground looking for bugs or something. Whatever it is it’s out of sight because of a big bush, I sneak into 10 yards of the rustling with a arrow knocked and rip a turkey call. Suddenly it goes silent for a few seconds and then I see a tan tail climb a tree 10 yards away. Blood goes cold and I realized I’m dealing with a small ish cougar. Instead of being a man and shooting it out of the tree with my bow I immediately walk backwards the 200 yards to my car and call my dad 😂. Still regret not shooting, but glad I made it out ok, and learned to always carry a firearm for backup. Hearing bears huffing and breaking branches at me while hiking out in the dark is also up there.
Creepy, eh? Ok.
Back in the 90’s after the summer construction season ended in Alaska the wife and I would often head south in late Oct, early Nov and flyfish our way down thru BC and down into the lower 48 for late season steelhead. The Kispiox R was one of our regular and fave stops and this is where this incident took place.
We were camping and living out of the back of our canopied pick up truck and very often just found any old nook or cranny off the road to camp for the night. For this reason I always slept w my 20 ga. single shot shotgun next to us in the back of the truck.
We had gotten in a couple days fishing already despite the 5-6 inches of snow we received. Late one aftrnn we pulled down a quarter mile curvy downhill gravel road into a small park known as the Potato Patch Hole. If memory serves me right it was just downstream from the main Kispiox R Lodge a short distance. We fished a short time till the sun began to set and our rod guides began to ice up from the dropping temps. In the completely empty park, ‘cept’ us, we cooked up some grub on the nearby picnic table and tailgate of the truck for dinner before climbing into the sack in the bed of the pickup for the night.
Sometime in the middle of the night I awoke to the unmistakable sound of footsteps in the now very crunchy snow pack around us. As I lay there listening I reached over next to make sure my trusty 20 was ready in case things got serious. What the heck was someone doing walking around in spot like this with a pitch black night at 20 degrees?? I wondered if it was the native fella that I saw walking in on the gravel road that seemed to strangely be gone as we drove into the park?
A few minutes passed and my wife awakens and reaches out and grabs my arm and whispers ... do u here that? I tell her yes, I’ve been listening for a few minutes. We both listened as the crunchy footsteps got closer and closer till they were quite obviously standing just yards from our truck at the picnic table we used. They one hundred percent sounded just like a human would walk. By now fear gripped me, as my wife whispers to me... what’s that??
I answered.... my HEART!! It was beating SO loud, we both could hear it quite audibly! After pausing at the table for a moment the steps now walked directly to the front of the truck and headed down the side of the truck to the backend. OMG, am I gonna half to blow someone’s head off!? I’m just waiting for the canopy door to be swung up. But, no. A short 5 second or so pause and the footsteps go back up alongside the truck. It, whatever IT is, is standing right next to me just outside the dark tinted canopy glass! I can see nothing! A short pause as I wondered what was about to go down, and next thing we hear are footsteps on the canopy roof directly above us. No longer human sounding footsteps, but those of a bird like the size of a raven perhaps. After perhaps ten or so strides across the canopy top right above our heads, viola, it’s now on the ground on the wife’s side of the truck right next to her. Upon the ground again, the .... ‘whatever’ proceeded away from the truck towards the direction of the come down entry road, sounding exactly like a human walking once again. The slow crunching walk-away took another minute or two until it faded in the distance.
Never in my life has my heart beat like that before, or since! The area was pitch black and there was NO WAY either of us were going out there this night to investigate. Not much sleep was gotten that night needless to say but at first mornings light we exited the back of the truck knowing whatever was walking would have HAD to leave some tracks in the crunchy six inches of snow out there. We couldn’t wait to see WHAT. Alas, not a single new print anywhere. Just our tracks from our meal and our lone trail to the river and back from fishing earlier. Nothing else anywhere in the park. Nothing. Even tho it was very clear from which direction ‘it’ had come, and where ‘it’ had left. Notta, zero, zilch. There were absolutely no human or animal prints anywhere in the entire park but the few my wife and I made with our limited activities there.
Needless to say, much discussion ensued the following day(s) between wifey and I. One thing that was interesting to note was I had mentioned my concern that it was the native fella I thought I saw on the roadway as we first came down into the park (and seemingly vanished around the corner somedwhere). The wife said she never saw him at all. But then did tell me she saw 3 natives at the base of the road when we entered, just as you enter the open area of the park. Funny, I never saw any of them. Even tho we sat side by side as we came in on the road, we both saw different folks.
Shapeshifter??? My wife thinks so. I have absolutely no idea. I do however know for absolute certainty that there was something out there. And that something was positively big enough that it would have HAD TO leave tracks in all that crunchy snow. There was also no mistaking something went from next to the canopied truck, to ON the canopy, with no effort or sound whatsoever. I’ve thought of birds, owls, ravens.... nope, doesn’t make sense. Dogs, wolves, coyotes, bears ,..... nope. No tracks, and can’t turn into a bird sound walking on the canopy.
I’m still stumped and bewildered.
Recently watched a movie available on Amazon Prime Video called Missing 411-The Hunted. It is about a series of unexplained missing hunter stories from different areas in the US. It was actually pretty good...and a little creepy. Based on a book from a series of missing person stories by investigative author Dave Paulides. He is a former police detective and has researched hundreds and hundreds of missing person cases in depth. I was googling each of the missing hunter stories as I was watching the movie and they are all bona fide unsolved cases. If you’re a twitchy person when it comes to stuff like this, I don’t recommend watching it until after your upcoming solo hunt...
Will give this a look tonight (if it's still on Prime). /thumbsup
Funny you mentioned that. I was planning on watching that movie tonight. Is it worth it or is it a cheesy attempt at bear scare?
Just watched it... cant imagine. This movie and the scene from the Revenant are pretty incredible.