Ha,,, thanks for the tent story...
I parked my quad and set up my tent one night using the head lights since it was pitch black out side...
I just got comfortable for the nights sleep,,, I heard a faint squeak squeak sound as it got louder,,, then it slowly moved past my tent as the sound faded away... I heard the sound of breaking branches in the distance,,, it was the fastest I've ever flipped my saftey on my rifle as I bolted out of my tent with flashlights in hand held up against my rifle to start jacking bullets at the charging bear... no matter where I looked there was nothing...
What the heck was that sound,,, nothing to be seen for 500 feet in any direction... dam,,, what a way to spend a night not knowing what it was since I was dead beat...
Next morning i got up to light a fire and cook my coffee,,, my quad was gone,,, i looked at where it was and I seen tracks going past my pup tent as the ridge i was on tappered down ward slope,,, i followed the tracks and sure enough I soon realized that it was my quad that slowly rolled past my tent,,, down the hill... I wasnt awear of in the dark... it crashed into the trees down bellow... lol
Good thing it didn't run over me,,, nill for damages to quad,,, and I found out that the 1 brake pad was draging... ha
Nothing like a walk in the morning to retrieve the quad,,, at least it was all down hill...