Creepy experiences in the backcountry

Arizona Deer scouting in 2017 came across some kind of sweat lodges. At the site there was a wood pole with various pieces of fabric tied to it and a huge sea shell at the bottom. Also some kind of dream catcher hung in a tree. Anyone know more about these kind of sites? The unit I was in borders a reservation.
My best guess is those are sweat lodges used for the inipi ceremony. The shell maybe used to burn crushed Sagebrush or Cedar. Again, this is a guess.
Arizona Deer scouting in 2017 came across some kind of sweat lodges. At the site there was a wood pole with various pieces of fabric tied to it and a huge sea shell at the bottom. Also some kind of dream catcher hung in a tree. Anyone know more about these kind of sites? The unit I was in borders a reservation.

Pretty sure that big clam shell is to catch the blood 🩸 draining from whatever they hang from that pole.

You can’t cheat the mountain
That was an exceptional afternoon, but yeah that's pretty much something out of Disney LOL....

Not to threadjack, but when my wife and I went to Yellowstone, the only wildlife we saw over several days there was one lonely Marmot on the trail that leads you to the Old Faithful Overlook. Pretty disappointing. We saw tons of stuff at the National Bison Range North of Missoula though - best $5 we spent all trip.
Not to threadjack, but when my wife and I went to Yellowstone, the only wildlife we saw over several days there was one lonely Marmot on the trail that leads you to the Old Faithful Overlook. Pretty disappointing. We saw tons of stuff at the National Bison Range North of Missoula though - best $5 we spent all trip.
Huh...I've never spent a day there that I didn't see critters...deer, elk, bison, wolf, bighorn, coyote, bear, etc...usually in fall.
I found some type of wicken circle in Colorado scouting for elk a few years ago. Small rock alter was next to it. It was pretty large. Somebody spent quite a bit of time building it. Gave me the creeps and I left the area pretty quickly.
Not to threadjack, but when my wife and I went to Yellowstone, the only wildlife we saw over several days there was one lonely Marmot on the trail that leads you to the Old Faithful Overlook. Pretty disappointing. We saw tons of stuff at the National Bison Range North of Missoula though - best $5 we spent all trip.

lol yeah I took My wife there a few years ago, we saw:

1 moose which was like 1000 yards away
1 bear running away from us about 1000yds away
1 brown bear that was huge but there were about a million other people watching it.
1 Buffalo I. Front of the hotel
1 fox
~ 15 elk just waking through the town at one of the geysers, all cows.

I guess we did see a few dozen bighorns on my Washburn so that was cool but other than that it was sort of disappointing.
Next time I am out in the woods I'm going to gave to make some sort of altar and hang weird shit from the trees to freak out the next guy who shows up to that spot

Great idea!!!! I’m seriously going to do this next to my rut stands. Keep all the others away for good! Those stands won’t be getting burned out anymore by other hunters, hahaha

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I got settled into my walltent after a very adventurous day of driving through a blizzard, navigating a rockslide across the road and basically having a long rough day. I managed to get a bit liquored up while setting up my tent and getting the stove going. I was cold from being wet most of the day and hit the cot early at about 8pm. I was starting to dream about the big mule deer I would be hunting in the morning when I heard a noise outside. I then spotted a glowing object circling my tent! Martian, I thought to myself!! Naked and scared crapless I pointed my rifle barrel out the tent door at the glowing object. It was a dog with a glow in the dark collar! I laughed out loud with relief. I wandered out and saw another hunter was setting up camp about a half km away from me.
Good idea, I'll mount a set of deer horns on a beer can and hang it on a tree close to a road to freak folks out when they drive by... ha...

My hunting partner shot a Moose a while back,,, he laid it over a horizontal log close to the road,,, he went back a week later and it had more bullet holes in it then he could count.. ha...

He said that there were alot of good shooters that year... lol

Ha,,, thanks for the tent story...

I parked my quad and set up my tent one night using the head lights since it was pitch black out side...

I just got comfortable for the nights sleep,,, I heard a faint squeak squeak sound as it got louder,,, then it slowly moved past my tent as the sound faded away... I heard the sound of breaking branches in the distance,,, it was the fastest I've ever flipped my saftey on my rifle as I bolted out of my tent with flashlights in hand held up against my rifle to start jacking bullets at the charging bear... no matter where I looked there was nothing...

What the heck was that sound,,, nothing to be seen for 500 feet in any direction... dam,,, what a way to spend a night not knowing what it was since I was dead beat...

Next morning i got up to light a fire and cook my coffee,,, my quad was gone,,, i looked at where it was and I seen tracks going past my pup tent as the ridge i was on tappered down ward slope,,, i followed the tracks and sure enough I soon realized that it was my quad that slowly rolled past my tent,,, down the hill... I wasnt awear of in the dark... it crashed into the trees down bellow... lol

Good thing it didn't run over me,,, nill for damages to quad,,, and I found out that the 1 brake pad was draging... ha

Nothing like a walk in the morning to retrieve the quad,,, at least it was all down hill...

On our way to chase some spring gobblers, me and a buddy were driving through nowhere Kansas around 2 or 3 a.m. when we came across a figure shaped fog in the middle of the road. Drove right through it, and saw it pass through the truck right between us. Neither of us said a word for a few miles until I finally looked at my buddy and asked if he saw that. "Yep" was all he said. Blamed it on the high octane coffee I was drinking to stay awake, but him seeing it too nullified that.
so me the wife and kids just sat and watched missing 411 the hunted and after everyones comments i had high expectations but i have to say i was extremely dissapointed and that was a pretty boring hour and a half i tell stories to my kids when camping that get more of a reaction than that

keep reading especially into the strange language from the Sierra sounds
I was walking up to my tree stand one morning and there was a dead chipmunk on the ground. No big deal. Except it had been perfectly gutted. Like something field dressed it and the gut pile was right next to it.
Maybe I interrupted a meal?
This was more scary than creepy. I used to coyote hunt the boundaries of the reservations near Tucson on almost a daily basis. I would see immigrants making their way through the desert constantly, at least once a week.

One particular time I was set up and had an electronic call going and I heard some voices out in the desert and I turned it off and just listened. I was in full desert camo and pretty concealed in a mesquite thicket.

A group of about twelve guys crossed about twenty yards in front of me. Half had AKs, the other half carrying huge packs. Pretty obvious what it was. The very last guy saw me, stopped clutching his AK like he was about ready to use it, and we just locked eyes. He nodded his head, didn't say anything and kept moving.

I waited until dark to make sure none of them were going to try to circle back and got the hell out of there.
Saw a bunch of drunk natives having an orgy once.
This was four or five summers ago. We were going to Hood River for my best friend's wedding. We were driving through the Warm Springs reservation and my wife wanted something out of the cooler so I pulled over at this abandoned gas station, popped the lift gate, looked back for whatever reason and I just couldn't wrap my head around what was happening. I heard my wife ask me what I was looking at and I remember saying "I'm not sure."

There were at least, at least five natives on the top of an old Buick just getting after it. The hood, the roof, the trunk. There might have been some people inside. It was almost dark and kind of hard to make out specifics.

Good times.