Another 'not backcountry' story, but pretty weird anyway.
When I was 18, my GF and I had an apartment in Tucson. Sunrise I think was the name of the complex, pretty much right outside the Wilmot gate of DMAFB. 1 night, 2 friends of ours, Annie and Mary-Lee stopped by for a few minutes then walked across the road to Circle K. While crossing the road, they were hit by a Domino's delivery driver. This was when Domino's had their 30 minutes or free delivery.
Annie saw it coming and tried to jump back, got hit in the leg and messed her knee up pretty bad. Mary-Lee was killed. Now where it gets weird.
A day or 2 later, my GF and I got into an argument, she left and stayed with another friend for the night. I got drunk and went to bed. I got up for work the next morning and our apartment was trashed, couldn't believe she came back and trashed the place while I was sleeping! After I left, she came back to get ready for work herself, and was pissed at me for the mess! I got home 1st and didn't clean up her mess, WTH should I? A couple hours later, she got home and was still pissed at me.
We got to talking about things and looking around, something stuck out. My GF had a plaque that sat on the dresser that said, "Your life is Gods gift to you. What you do with your life is your gift to God." Mary-Lee loved that plaque. We found it behind the dresser, face up. We looked at it for a while, and couldn't figure out any way it could have been knocked over and landed face up between the wall and base of the dresser. It had to have been put there.
A few days before they were hit, my GF went grocery shopping with Mary-Lee. Being piss-poor broke like most 18 year old kids, we were pretty frugal. Mary-Lee twisted my GFs arm into buying a roll of paper towels. A couple days after the funeral, we were sitting on the couch watching TV and both looked over at the dining room table, just in time to see that roll of paper towels tumble off of it. It had been standing upright.
Only thing we could think of was that our apartment was the last familiar place that Mary-Lee was before she was killed, got lost and she came back.
Neither of us were the most religious, but my GF had previously asked me to read my bible to her, cover to cover. I found an appropriate passage, no idea what chapter and verse, read it aloud and then left the bible open to the page overnight. We never had anymore issues.
We broke up not too long after, I enlisted in the Army, and we went our separate ways. But for several years, I'd get a call out of the blue from her still freaked out about it.
ETA: Annie and Mary-Lees family sued Domino's, and not too long after they changed their policy to 30 minutes or $3 off instead of free.