Crazy archery shot


May 6, 2014
Corripe cervisiam
Saw this on youtube tonight, close shot thats worth a look.

Its a long home made vid …you can skip to right before the shot at 45:20.

Spoiler alert he shoots the bull coming in at what looks like its under 10 steps- title is 5 yards and it very well could be. The hunter almost misses the bull low. Watch it on slo mo….the arrow hits low in the brisket, must have hit where the rib cage curves under his chest andthe arrow stops deadpractically bending into a noodle then bouncing down and out.

Must be seriously weak shaft….it bends in a U shape and out.
I have always thought it’s better to shoot a stiffer spine arrow and this is just one more example

Luckily the hunter makes a great shot through the trees and gets an arrow in him going away.

FWIW, Ive shot a bunch of elk coming in like that and I’vealways have the arrow dissapear inside of the bull- but I aim higher …for the opening in the skeleton where the esophagus and carotid arteries enter.
That’s one of those armor plated elk 😂! Guessing holding and full draw didn’t help that shot execution. Glad he got a second chance though.

I would agree on the stiffer spine comment. That short of distance and torquing the bow that arrow was flexing like crazy. He may have even had his pin in the right spot! Someone needs to screen shot it so we can see where the middle of the arrow was in relation to the broadhead when it slapped the bull in the chest.
Could be the Bull really was at 5 yards it's always hard to say in these vids.

If so, the hunter may have been using his 20y pin....when he should have been using his 40y pin with an animal that close.

I wonder if that first arrow ever made it through the skeleton?

FWIW, shoot them up in the Darker hair of the neck anywhere you can hang a necklace around their neck- even from the side- and that arrow disappears inside them missing bone- its devastating.
I shot a bull at 6 yards once. I just pointed my sight at him and let her rip. I don't recall even choosing a pin.

Not frontal though. Tried that shot once and not sure I'd do it again.
How sick is that to have him drop in your lap. I get the excitement, but he should’ve given it a sec before shooting. Can’t argue with the results though.

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I get the excitement, but he should’ve given it a sec before shooting. Can’t argue with the results though.
He actually gave it a few seconds. Bull stopped, then put his head down, then raised it up finally giving him a clear shot. Ya, you've got to practice those close shots if you want to hit where you're aiming. I've done 3D shoots where you have to shoot the frog or maybe the fish at 4 or 5 yards at an angle. It's not out of the question to have to use your 50 yard pin if you want to hit the rings.

I didn't watch the whole video, but I'm more interested in seeing more detail about that Texas heart shot he took. The only look I could see was his lighted nock as the bull was going away.
I didn't rewind and study but it looked like a dark spot back behind the ribs a hard quartering away shot.

Good shot...and good on him for quick thinking and making the followup shot...otherwise, I'm betting he doesn't get that bull.
If you pause where he takes the frontal, it looks like a combination of the downward slope the bull is on plus where it's head is at, it looks like where he needs to shoot to put it in the cavity is blocked by the lower part of the bull's jaw and/or making it like a 1in gap to thread through
If you pause where he takes the frontal, it looks like a combination of the downward slope the bull is on plus where it's head is at, it looks like where he needs to shoot to put it in the cavity is blocked by the lower part of the bull's jaw and/or making it like a 1in gap to thread through
It was kind of an awkward angle, even though it was so close. Bull really kept his head low. Bulls nose real close to where that arrow should have went. I could see where that would mess with the shooter, especially inexperienced.

Appeared they quartered 1/2, packed it out, then came back in and broke down 2nd half. That’s odd.