I am hoping someone may be kind enough to share some wisdom and insight on calling coyotes in Northern California - driving from Bay Area - without giving up information that would take away earning it…if that makes sense. I understand NF and BLM are the spots I can legally hunt them with exceptions in certain locations. My method thus far has been drive on roads and hwys that run through large pieces of BLM and NF and run a call or just scan the country looking for coyotes and then once spotted or heard I come back to that general area during shooting hours and run a stand. This is where it all falls apart. Never even seen one once I am on foot.
Sadly I purchased my rifles a few years back with the intent on hunting coyotes and starting LRPS, neither of which has materialized. Good things have come out of the decision to buy s rifle but that’s for another discussion.
Would appreciate any guidance or simply tell me to kick rocks. Thanks
Sadly I purchased my rifles a few years back with the intent on hunting coyotes and starting LRPS, neither of which has materialized. Good things have come out of the decision to buy s rifle but that’s for another discussion.
Would appreciate any guidance or simply tell me to kick rocks. Thanks