Cow Bugles Are Alive & Working!


Feb 25, 2012
My daughter In-law has a MZ cow tag on an OTC unit. My Son & I went out to see if we could muster up any elk to hunt. We were striking out as usual on these hunts! No better place to be though! (grin) After a couple hiking hours in a rarely hunted unit with zero interest & lots of cow calling with a couple shot in the dark setups I decided to let out 2 high pitched cow bugles & bam! Within seconds we had a bull bugle us to let us know where the elk were on Aug 16th. Not bad! We did get close to calling one in to 40-50 yards but it just didn't turn out with a shot! Close but no cigar! Lots of fun & covered a few miles in this ridiculous heat!-- So in early season & after don't discount that high pitched cow bugle, it can be money for a direction to go & hunt!

P.S. We hunt timbered country, no binos needed! Good luck everyone!
