Covid ...Spring '22.

Tested positive Friday. Started Plaxovid that night. Feeling better today. Hopefully, it won’t be too bad or rebound once the Plaxovid is gone.
I tested positive last Sunday. I felt fatigued and tired, cough and nasal congestion. It was like a real mild flu.

I was vaccinated and boosted once. I asked my primary physician for Paxlovid and the office said he won't prescribe it under any conditions because it's not FDA approved.

My physician friend said to ask him if he approved of the vaccine before it was FDA approved, lol.

I got a virtual appointment at an urgent care and got a prescription. The Paxlovid eliminated my flu symptoms and I felt better. Side affects were some diarrhea at first and unpleasant after taste.

My wife got it from me and got the paxlovid and it helped.

My 13 year old got it with not much symptoms

My 18 year old daughter stayed with friends and didn't get it. She was worried about it messing up her prom and final exams.

We've been laying low, don't want to spread it.

Everyone get well soon. It's unclear exactly how many times we've had Covid. More than 2 and probably less than 10. :D

We know the grandkids and daughter who teaches were out of school because their classmates and teachers tested positive, and we know we were sick. No we didn't test because they were quarantined and there were no easy ways to get tested out where we were any way. We weren't going anywhere. None of us required treatment other than the normal treatment for other respiratory illnesses which includes a little Albuterol for me/wife. Btw, you can get tested pretty easily now.

I think the key is still early proper treatment needs to be publicized more.
My whole family had it in January. I wouldn't have known I had it. My wife and 5 year old felt pretty crappy for a few days. My 3 year old was over it in a day. A couple guys who work for me have it now and are having a rough time
I tested positive last Sunday. I felt fatigued and tired, cough and nasal congestion. It was like a real mild flu.

I was vaccinated and boosted once. I asked my primary physician for Paxlovid and the office said he won't prescribe it under any conditions because it's not FDA approved.

My physician friend said to ask him if he approved of the vaccine before it was FDA approved, lol.

I got a virtual appointment at an urgent care and got a prescription. The Paxlovid eliminated my flu symptoms and I felt better. Side affects were some diarrhea at first and unpleasant after taste.

My wife got it from me and got the paxlovid and it helped.

My 13 year old got it with not much symptoms

My 18 year old daughter stayed with friends and didn't get it. She was worried about it messing up her prom and final exams.

We've been laying low, don't want to spread it.


That’s been my experience with Plaxovid pretty much. Bad taste and some diarrhea. I could tell an improvement of COVID symptoms after 24 hours.
Went back about ten pages and couldn't find an active thread, so...

I know many of you guys have had this sh t, after avoiding the virus for almost 2.5 years I finally popped positive this week.
Kicked my ass, seriously weak, phlegm-city.....but have avoided respiratory issues so far. Lots of sweat and some fatigue, no taste or smell.

Any other newbs? How's everyone else doing?
My buddy who lives your way just got over it. Nothing awful, just annoying.
I got vaccinated in August last year and then my whole family got Covid in January at our family Christmas. My kids had a very minimal cold for about a day. My wife and I had basically a bad cold for 2-3 days. I work from home and still never missed a day of work though…. My wife tested positive a second time on Thursday this week, she was getting ready to go work out and her best friend that she works out with every day canceled because she had tested positive, so out of an abundance of caution my wife took a test and it was positive. She got a headache the next day but now is feeling normal…. It’s a very weird thing how it seems to randomly effect some people so much worse than others.

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Got it a little over a week ago. Lasted about 5-6 days and wore me down pretty good. Ruined the last week of my Turkey season. Oh well, the things had pissed me off by this point in the season anyway. Lol
I just got over it. Was just an average sinus/head cold for me. Had the stuffed/running sinuses for two days and treated with DayQuil/NyQuil, cleared up by the third day but woke up with my whole body feeling achy which was something new to me so I took one of the at home tests and came up positive. I work construction, they told me they didn't care and to come in to work anyway..
Pregnant wife has it now for the third time. Not nearly as bad as the first. Just an annoyance.

She was vaccinated in December after being forced by her employer. Got it at her douche bag brothers wedding where now almost everyone is sick.

No symptoms for me yet. Might have a little cough but also put 4 hours on the mountain bike in the last few days so who knows.
I've had it three times......

First time January 2020 diarrhea for weeks couldn't figure it out tired all the time, then it just stopped.

Second time January 2021 didn't know I had it until after I recovered and looked back at my congestion in my lungs and my body aches.

Third time February 2022 it was mid-morning I was hungry I got up greasy burrito ate half of it. It started out giving me the chills body aches and just not feeling good. Went home turn the heat on took two Aleve and I was feeling better in 5 minutes. Turn the heat off and relaxed for a week.

I'm not vaxed and never will be for this plandemic
Not starting any shit, but who has had it right after being vaxxed, has happened to several peeps I know.

Plaxovid is new to me, have to look it up.
I've had it three times......

First time January 2020 diarrhea for weeks couldn't figure it out tired all the time, then it just stopped.

Second time January 2021 didn't know I had it until after I recovered and looked back at my congestion in my lungs and my body aches.

Third time February 2022 it was mid-morning I was hungry I got up greasy burrito ate half of it. It started out giving me the chills body aches and just not feeling good. Went home turn the heat on took two Aleve and I was feeling better in 5 minutes. Turn the heat off and relaxed for a week.

I'm not vaxed and never will be for this plandemic
You might want to get checked for gall stones. Same symptoms as the flu/Covid, but usually symptoms kick in right after eating a greasy, fatty unhealthy meal that sets off your gall bladder.
Not starting any shit, but who has had it right after being vaxxed, has happened to several peeps I know.

Plaxovid is new to me, have to look it up.
Plaxovid is the Ivermectin-like knock off product IIRC. Its an antiviral that has to be taken early in the onset of symptoms in order for it to work.
We got it early last year. Musinex helped with cough and congestion. Pushed Vitamins and Fluids. I still do not fully have my smell and taste, or it is off some days.
Two mRNA vaccines and booster, everyone in the house is vaccinated an no positive cases yet (knock on wood desk).
I've had it three times......

First time January 2020 diarrhea for weeks couldn't figure it out tired all the time, then it just stopped.

Second time January 2021 didn't know I had it until after I recovered and looked back at my congestion in my lungs and my body aches.

Third time February 2022 it was mid-morning I was hungry I got up greasy burrito ate half of it. It started out giving me the chills body aches and just not feeling good. Went home turn the heat on took two Aleve and I was feeling better in 5 minutes. Turn the heat off and relaxed for a week.

I'm not vaxed and never will be for this plandemic
How did you know it was Covid each time?
Wife and I got it (no vax) 10 days ago from her sister (vaxxed and double boosted) who was visiting from HI. First five days it was just a mild cold with a lot of coughing, then it got worse. Major fatigue, some body aches. Wife is feeling better, tested neg yesterday. I tested pos yesterday but feeling better, just dragging on a long time. No breathing trouble so far. No loss of smell or taste. Very strange bug
Caught a real bad virus a few weeks ago but as it turned out it was just a super strong cold virus. Nose was dripping all day and all night, and I still have a lingering cough, I was 100 percent certain it was rona but test came back negative. Pretty sure flu season is going to be wicked strong right quick