Covid defense/prevent....strengthening your immune system.

Interestingly enough the flu does not seam to exist anymore. Or maybe people just don't care about it anymore. I work in a lab at a hospital and we have not had a single provider order an influenza test this season. As in since summer ended.....not a single one. Funny how that works isn't it.
Gonna jump on my soapbox and share my personal immune health experience. A couple years ago I was sick constantly and had all kinds of health complications. Without warning, I even lost hearing in my right ear. Doctor thought it was due to some kind of viral attack.

There's a few lifestyle changes I've made over the last couple years that I feel have really helped my immune health. Truth be told I haven't even had as much as the sniffles or a cold in 2+ years and I rarely take vitamins or supplements and (call me crazy) my vegetable intake is very minimal. What I feel is key, at least for me, is eating organ meats (loaded with vitamin A, B, and some D), getting sunlight in the summer, sleep, exercise, deep breathing and cold showers. In a nutshell, vitamin D and environmental hormesis.

Another immune hack I've discovered is the ugly and under-appreciated freshwater cod that resides in our northern reservoirs and rivers. This winter I've really gotten into fishing for burbot. Their livers are 1/3 the size of their body and are loaded in vitamin D, A and K. Not everyone's cup of tea, but I really think they're delicious.

And as a lot of you have already stated, we need to quit being scared of red meat. I think red meat and especially wild game should be the foundation of every diet.
Congrats on finding wellness, Pablito. That is fantastic.
And your posting underscores the need for each of us to find a way of dicepherig our body's needs, and also to things that are counterproductive.

That list can vary widely between us.
I'm still on the alcohol defense, cleansing my body from the inside.
Have you heard the theory that alcohol is like a pack of wolves? It kills only the weakest brain cells, thus improving overall brain fitness. Heaven knows I always feel smarter after a few drinks.
This is probably long overdue here....

For those who want to insure optimal immune defense against the whu-flu (or any other bug) here are some widely recognized and highy recommended supplements.
These vitamins and supplements are recommended by many doctors, both modern and traditional. This list might vary a bit, but these are the staples for immune defense.

Vitamin D3 - drops or oil-based softgels. Wife takes drops under the tongue, I take the softgels. Vitamin D3 is perhaps the most important (and lacking) component associated with Covid and possible virus severity. Take this even if you take nothing else.
Zinc capsule - for everyday. hugely important for immune system and bonus for prostate.
Zinc lozenge - keep/dissolve in mouth if sick or feeling that sickness or flu is coming on.
Reduced L-Glutathione--immune support, antioxidant support.
NAC- N-acetyl-L-Cysteine -antioxidant cell support, helps the body assimilate the L-Glutathione, a precursor.
Daily multi-vitamin (gummy, etc.) for vitamin C, iron, etc.

Obviously eat fruits and veggies daily, fresh if possible. Most of us don't get enough. Avoid the crap foods, bacon and/or processed meats everyday are a huge drag on your body. Same goes for processed sugars = junk food.
Sht-can the soft drinks! Drink a lot of water.

Do your own due diligence, I offer the above as a reference for those who want to stack the deck. I didn't list the iu, mg, etc. of each, that may vary with your needs and size.
I'm not a practitioner, but complied this list early on as a preventative plan, hope it helps.
Super Supplements is a decent source to order online or buy locally.

Wait a minute! You're telling me that doing the Mediterranean diet is a good thing? Who'd have thunk...
Have you heard the theory that alcohol is like a pack of wolves? It kills only the weakest brain cells, thus improving overall brain fitness. Heaven knows I always feel smarter after a few drinks.

I have heard it, but I seem to go more in line with this....

You see every drink of liquor you take kills a thousand brain cells. Now that doesn't much matter 'cos we got billions more. And first the sadness cells die so you smile real big. And then the quiet cells go so you just say everything real loud for no reason at all. That'ok, that's ok because the stupid cells go next, so everything you say is real smart. And finally, come the memory cells. These are tough sons of bitches to kill.
Congrats on finding wellness, Pablito. That is fantastic.
And your posting underscores the need for each of us to find a way of dicepherig our body's needs, and also to things that are counterproductive.

That list can vary widely between us.
That's exactly it! Took me a long time to figure out what works for me. I think it's good for everybody to tinker and experiment and find the right lifestyle that adds to their life. Hell, hunting, time outdoors and the food we kill is the perfect foundation