Costco has Mountain House again

I've seen them in the Springs stores all the time here, but I don't like their combo packs.....I prefer to pick and choose my own. Midway had individuals on sale for mostly $5.49/ea the other day but then you have to pay shipping. I usually have an Entertainment book or two so I just use the $20 off $100 coupon when I want to stock up at Sportsman's.
That's good to know. They stopped carrying them at the Park Meadows location last summer but luckily I had enough from the year prior to get me through archery season. I don't mind the selection since I like the Lasagna and Stroganoff as much as anyone can like freeze dried foods.
While it's good to be able to buy in bulk, why not just make your own freezer bag meals? You can make an entire trip's worth of meals for the cost of 2 or 3 MH bags.
While it's good to be able to buy in bulk, why not just make your own freezer bag meals? You can make an entire trip's worth of meals for the cost of 2 or 3 MH bags.

I don't mind having a box on hand but I've considered doing that especially since I can only stand those things for two nights, tops. I'm probably going to give the diy route a shot this year and see how they turn out.