Correct way to run on rocks with rifle?


Jun 12, 2019
I didn't know there was an option of not running? Very odd to me that there are people on here that just plain old rule out running a short distance to get a shot no matter the terrain.

Most the time I make sure I have both hands available. So quickly throw my gun across my back and run or at least over my head if already on my shoulder (benefit of a sling which I also find surprising a lot of people don't use).

I carry with a round chambered 100% of the time during shooting hours and 99% of the time a round goes in as soon as I leave the truck and doesn't come out until back at the truck.


Feb 27, 2012
Colorado Springs
Fixed it for ya 😁
At 58, generally, the only month of the year that I "run" is September, chasing elk. But that's with a bow in hand......and at that point normally with an arrow nocked.

But I did have to run at one point on a sheep hunt to try and cut a ram off three years ago. There was a gully with rocks and a few inches of snow. Ya, bad combo especially with an arrow nocked. As my feet went out from under me and as I fell to my right side, it was all I could do to hold my bow high in the air with my RH (left-handed), as my right side got crushed on the rocks. The bow survived, with arrow still attached. But my camera in a belt pocket broke, my GPS in my pants pocket cracked the screen in multiple places, had bruised ribs and shoulder, and my right thigh took a rock in the side that caused it to bleed into my knee and all the way to my ankle for 6 weeks. I could barely get out of bed the next morning, and a bad limp was the best I could do, but I shot a ram that morning with only two days left in the season and called it good.

I would imagine that running and falling with a rifle would be about the the rifle at all costs, and absorb the impact with your body.
Aug 21, 2016
It is a TERRIBLE idea to even consider telling your kids to run over rocks with a firearm. Do they still teach hunters safety in this country prior to giving licenses or is that a thing of the past?


Jul 21, 2019
I agree, it’s a very bad idea to run in rocks! Basic hunter education teaches that but I know we all think we are bullet proof but it’s just not worth it! Safety first and foremost! I know it’s a hard pill to swallow at times but an animal just isn’t worth the risk! An animal does crazy things to people and we get tunnel vision and try to kill that animal at all costs but sometimes it just isn’t worth it. Be safe out there so you can live to tell about it!