Awesome thank you this is exactly what I was looking for. I’ll probably just need one I’m just deer hunting. So I may just pack one right to 49 pounds and leave the rest of the meat for my buddy as a thank youInsulated fish boxes like this one. I've had fish remain frozen for 24 hrs, including flying from Alaska to east coast, then left stacked in garage from midnight- 9am with a few bags of ice on top, covered in a few blankets, followed by a 5 hr drive in my trunk. In July. Not these exact boxes, but they are all pretty much the same, waxed cardboard and metallic bubble wrap insulation.
Edited to add: if you're flying as checked bags, pack one full to 49 lbs, and then for the rest, tape two boxes together (97-99 lbs) Fees for overweight (up to 100 lbs)/extra bag are the same, so better to check one double box and pay half of what you pay to check two extra separate boxes