Cooler Size for Elk

Newbie just wondering what is the best cooler size for a quartered elk. Looking to invest in one large cooler or maybe two smaller coolers that will hold an elk. Thanks!

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1 boned out bull took up 4 coolers, 3 65 qt and 1 80 qt cabelas coolers. From Colorado to Michigan, elk stayed cold and those coolers were packed super tight

Top is a 65, bottom is a 210

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I live in Butler, PA and will be heading to the panhandle of Idaho in October for a 8-day combination Elk/Deer hunt. I have a 165qt Grizzly that I will put the boned out elk in and a 65qt RTIC I will put a boned out deer in.
Last year I shot a small bull in Utah on the last day. It was field quartered and only 3 quarters and the straps would fit in my 150 quart Igloo cooler so I left one front shoulder in camp.

I usually bring a 150 and 50 quart coolers for a processed elk with dry ice.
2 150s, and to be even more specific, the coolers like igloo that have the raised roof or lid, are even better than a cooler with a flat top. That extra 4-6 inches up top is money.

Anything less, I'm always struggling, especially if bone is left on.
Go with two smaller coolers so you can move them yourself.
I do an 80qt & 65qt.
The 80 is almost too big......debone and you'll have more room

This is what I do. I run 2 80s. Have them full of frozen milk jugs and ice so they are cold when I kill a bull. Wrap my de boned meat in contractor bags so they stay dry. Pull as many milk jugs as I need to when I put the deboned meat in and then fill with ice once I’m near a gas station. Strait ice will get the meat way colder than the milk jugs will.

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