Contact lenses and the back country what's your system

In 1998 I was up in BC by myself standing in the middle of a river fly fishing, when one of my gas-perm lenses popped out into the river. After getting home I had Lasik. Since then I'm back to contacts again........but soft this time. I don't see as well with the Day & Night lenses, so I prefer to use my Oasis and put them in every morning. It's a pain, but I see better.
Glasses. I still bring CL and some solution but it's so much easier IMO to deal with glasses than contacts. Can never seem to avoid getting debris in my eye no matter how clean I think my hands are.
When I get around to ordering them, I wear dailys, but the rest of the time I wear 2 week ones, take some handwipes and clean them really well before taking them out at night. In the morning I just make sure my hands are really dry when putting them back in. That way there is very little guck transferring from hand to contact to eye. It's a pain, but I just know where my eye is now, no need for a mirror.
I'd like to get Lasik, but it's not in the cards due to my eyes. I can't do glasses in the field. They just fog up. So 2-week contacts, a couple of extras, and a small bottle of solution. I can put contacts in without a mirror. I keep my glasses in my lid just in case I lose a lens out while in the field.
I to use dailies, I take them out and put them back on in the morning. Like others have said I clean and sanitize my hands before doing so. I also keep a thing of eye drops in my pockets at all times.

I don't bring a mirrior. I simply use the self portrait mode on my phone if I need it, often times I can do it without any assistance.
I don't even use a mirror at home, so while camping it isn't an issue at all.

Kind of funny........when I used gas perm lenses if I'd ever get anything in them I'd pop it out, put it in my mouth to clean it off, and pop it back in. Not a problem........unless you're in Mexico and just finished the bowl of jalapeno's and carrots sitting on the table. I got something in one eye and popped the contact out and into my mouth, and back into my eye before I even realized what I was doing. WOW! Couldn't even open that eye for about 10 minutes. That was 29 years ago.
I wear multi focal dailies. I had a script written for distance only contacts, but haven't tried it yet. Dr told me this is what he does......

anyone else hear this?
I wear daily contacts and just put them in in the morning using the mirror on my Silva compass, which is also when I put cork/paint on. If it's dark, a headlamp helps too. As others have said, make sure your hands/fingers are clean/free of dirt...

Good Luck!
I used contacts for 2 back country hunts. Since then I wear my glasses. Less to worry about IMO. No matter how careful I tried to be I always ended up getting my contacts dirty. Now I wear them to where I park and take them out for the duration of the hunt. I only put them back in once I am able to get my hands clean enough to attempt it, generally the day I leave.
Daily wears for me. Throw them away at night, new ones in the am. Haven't had any issues with mine. I used to bring my glasses along just in case but don't even do that anymore.