Computer Passwords & Cartridges

Holy cow, 32. Thats a passsentence. How often you have to change it?

Yeah, that's the only way you can remember it lyrics to a song, a short sentence.
That's an old one I used, can't ever duplicate it either. I'm not really sure honestly, maybe about ever 3-4 months, or there about?
We have to use upper case, lower case, number, and symbols in our password, and it has to be a minimum of 32 characters long. Yes, 32 character minimum.
And I thought 14 was bad. You gotta tell a story.

andtheBEARkickedhis@$$ is only 22 charcters...
And I thought 14 was bad. You gotta tell a story.

andtheBEARkickedhis@$$ is only 22 charcters...

The funniest thing is everyone writes the damn password down now because they can't remember it otherwise, most of them on a sticky and put it right on their computer!
Were way more secure now...
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I have a little red wagon I use to pull around my written pass word log. As an independent insurance agent I have pass words for 35 companies plus personal stuff. Now all the companies have started email codes to verify as well as pass words that have to be changed often. I now spend quite a bit of time each day on verification.
This thread is job security to me. The reason why we forced 2FA on all of our users. Dont want to make strong passwords and not use sticky notes... great, now pull out your phone every time you want to sign in.
This thread is job security to me. The reason why we forced 2FA on all of our users. Dont want to make strong passwords and not use sticky notes... great, now pull out your phone every time you want to sign in.

Someone created 2FA, someone can break that too my friend.
My company's IT security Nazi's require us to have somewhat complicated (Upper/Lower, Numbers, special characters, length). I could easily memorize some crazy random password "Xf@$y39suT" if they didn't force us to change our main password and passwords to other systems so often. At some point, writing it down (very bad) becomes a real temptation.

My Solution: Cartridge Names - I can remember them with ease.

(Neither are my password for anything now)

Just a suggestion. Hope it helps.
Use a password manager. I highly suggest 1Password or Bitwarden. They're tried and true. Bitwarden is open-source too, if that means anything to you. I don't know a single one of my passwords they're all in my Bitwarden vault locked behind a master password and 2 factor authentication. Anytime I sign up for a new account on a website I just generate a new password that's long with a mix of symbols and all sorts of characters. It's basically impossible to ever get hacked if you do this honestly. If you use Mac/iPhone then Apple Keychain is a good, integrated alternative.