Comparing Kuiu Kenai to the Stone Glacier Cirque and Cirque Light


Jul 2, 2020
Hey has anyone had both the Kenai and one of the Cirques to compare as a layering jacket? On line there does not seem to be much difference. I tried one of the Cirques on at SCI and wish I had looked closer at it.
My experience cirque is a touch warmer than kenai, then you have cirque light.
Fabric of the kenai is quieter but piles easier. (Electric bread trimmer cleans it up quick)

My only complaint on Cirque is face zip is a little tight. Between the two I’d go with what ever you got best deal on, also a third option and that’s Sitka ambient 200.
I have experience with the Kenai and Ambient but not SG. I preferred the fit and material of the Ambient. The face on the ambient doesn't pill easy which is nice. The face is quiet enough for bowhunting and I just find myself loving it everytime. I have the 150 gsm.