Colorado Partners


Mar 16, 2016
Your first post is looking for a hunting partner with a set of expectations YOU have for them without giving any details about yourself. In reality you are just looking for a pack mule in case you get lucky…. You are surprised by the responses?

Maybe you should give some details about your self so others have the same chance to find out what to expect from you. I’m guessing you left that out because you only want someone to come along to “help pack your elk out”

You are setting criteria on something you clearly know nothing about and have never done. Once you actually kill an elk and learn from it then make your criteria’s.

Unless you think others will be blessed to hunt with you since you run a 10 minute mile. again good luck you will be hunting solo.
Jan 3, 2021
For anyone put off by the 10 minute mile requirement, I'll waive it and hunt with your fat ass if you're willing to haul a 30 rack of God's water, Bush Latte, up the mountain for us.

(We're going to have a lot of beer, my fat ass isn't running shit either)


Dec 20, 2017
The Rock
While I’ve only posted a handful of times I’ve done a ton of reading on this forum. Learned a ton! That being said guys are a bit finicky about new guys posts and how questions are asked. While I don’t think his “criteria” are insane, especially for backcountry hunting, I can see why it comes across as a little demanding. But either way, who cares. If the dude wants a pack mule for his partner so be it. Don’t hunt with him.

I see some guys reading that, roll their eyes and think “awe bullshit! You don’t need to be able to run a 10 minute mile to be a good hunter!” While I mostly agree physical fitness is a huge part of anything in the backcountry. For me, I look for guys with the mental fortitude to strap on a 80-100lb pack full of meat on day 9, go straight up through nasty ass blow down, and have that half psychotic devilish grin on their face while doing it. Mile times don’t mean shit.

This guy gets it.
Jan 3, 2021
If we're going to be hunting together I get where OP is coming from. I put a lot of effort and take a substantial amount of my annual vacation to go on a hunt, I don't want to spend it pissed off that my partner doesn't want to go over that next ridge or what not.

If we're camping together but hunting separate and just assisting each other with the pack out...I have the same requirements I do for a business partner.

1. Don't be an asshole
2. Be self sufficient
3. Don't be half way back to Texas when it's time for some hard work.


May 29, 2019
Go read about all the bad hunts because of a poor partnership or someone who flakes out on someone else. I've been there and I would rather hunt alone than with bad company. That's my prerogative. Wow. I didn't really expect this reaction and really don't want look here much further. Obviously if you take offense to "criteria", not need to reply. I expected PMs from people wanting to hunt - not this.

So is this what they call trolling? Obviously, I would carry my partner's elk out but I didn't think I needed to explain that.
I think you don't realize the tone of your original post, and some of your subsequent posts, make you look like someone the great majority of us would not want to hunt with.

I dont think your requirements were crazy, but you have been able to accomplish the same thing by saying it differently.

Mental toughness will take you further than any physical conditioning.

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Jan 5, 2021
Western, PA
How many people have actually planned a back county hunt with a total stranger? I have became friends with people who I met on the mountain, and we planned a hunt together, but we both still each took our own supplies ans didn’t rely on one another .


Jul 7, 2015
If we're going to be hunting together I get where OP is coming from. I put a lot of effort and take a substantial amount of my annual vacation to go on a hunt, I don't want to spend it pissed off that my partner doesn't want to go over that next ridge or what not.

If we're camping together but hunting separate and just assisting each other with the pack out...I have the same requirements I do for a business partner.

1. Don't be an asshole
2. Be self sufficient
3. Don't be half way back to Texas when it's time for some hard work.
4. Share your alcohol.


Jan 29, 2016
I elk with a guy that has had a heart attack. He is in his 70's. Can't pack more than a back strap. Rarely hunts More than a couple miles form the truck. Snores really bad at night. That being said he has grown on me and a friend for life. And every once in a while he kills a bull. And guess what. I get help for us to pack it out. Look for a friendship and the hunt will take care of itself.


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Jan 24, 2015
I elk with a guy that has had a heart attack. He is in his 70's. Can't pack more than a back strap. Rarely hunts More than a couple miles form the truck. Snores really bad at night. That being said he has grown on me and a friend for life. And every once in a while he kills a bull. And guess what. I get help for us to pack it out. Look for a friendship and the hunt will take care of itself.
Can he run a 10 minute mile?


Jun 6, 2018
I think finding someone that thinks like you and like to do the things you. And you two guys can get along is all that a person needs. If you find that, they will follow/lead you anywhere and thru anything. Even if they aren't in as good as shape you are looking for.
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Feb 17, 2013
How would you handle it if an old man like myself with mountain mentality ended up out hunting you in the long run? How would you feel about packing my bull out when you didn’t get one? Lol

I don’t care what your age is or what kind of shape you are in the mind drives the body and since you’ve never elk hunted it’s hard to say what may or may not be capable of. I out hike/hunt younger guys even though it sounds like you’d toss my application in the garbage.

You’d be surprised to see who lasts to the end of an elk hunt and who crashes and burns.