Colorado OTC ELK

Is it easier to find elk right now when they are in large herds in the open above tree line than it is in September when they start feeling pressure??? Yes it is. Will there still be elk in the same general area in early September as they are right now??? Yes there will.

Coveyleader, I appreciate this post and the encouragement to go hunt CO OTC. It’s funny how butt hurt some people get about having others out there hunting public land. I am one that encourages people that haven’t grown up hunting to start and I am always more than willing to help them in anyway I can.
Coveyleader, Thanks for the post! Not all of us can get out there and it is nice to see some pics and see what others are experiencing!!
I remember my first year scouting in July for a Sept muzzleloader tag and I got pics of all kinds of nice bulls. Had my area down pretty good And was beyond pumped for the season. Then came the season......30 plus vehicles and horse trailers when I arrived at the two trailheads I had been using to scout and never saw a single elk in days of hiking and scouting. Met a chit ton of hunters, mostly from out of state though! I personally don’t put a grain of salt in what I see in July unless you are going to be there the day pressure arrives, because within two weeks of the Sitka and kuiu gear bow hunters arriving they will pushed far and deep or on to private.
I took a picture last night (trail camera) of the bull I intend to shoot in a few weeks. Depending on where you are scouting and when you plan to hunt, info gained now can very much help you put a tag on an elk. I also agree that Colorado OTC hunts can be fantastic IF people are willing to think a bit and are willing to work.
I remember my first year scouting in July for a Sept muzzleloader tag and I got pics of all kinds of nice bulls. Had my area down pretty good And was beyond pumped for the season. Then came the season......30 plus vehicles and horse trailers when I arrived at the two trailheads I had been using to scout and never saw a single elk in days of hiking and scouting. Met a chit ton of hunters, mostly from out of state though! I personally don’t put a grain of salt in what I see in July unless you are going to be there the day pressure arrives, because within two weeks of the Sitka and kuiu gear bow hunters arriving they will pushed far and deep or on to private.

I’ll be there in September with a mix of under armour and kuiu. #fromflorida

Every state has something that out of towners want. For us it’s mainly fishing and Disney...
I once recruited a california surfer to the hunting life and he drew a rifle cow tag. All summer he told me of his scouting and how easy this hunt would be. Even bought a bow because he wanted more of a challenge next year.
Come October, he ate tag soup and couldn't believe the elk had disappeared.
He has now killed 3 elk with his rifle and never gave archery a shot.
Yesterday early, 5pm but like anything, last hour first hour is always best, but this time of year elk are lazy and you can catch them all day if it’s not too hot.

I keep reading how these sighting “don’t mean much” how anyone can say that is beyond me.

Next weekend, maybe more. I’ll be lower so we shall see. Saw a crusher buck, wow.
Cool pics!
Some people look for an elk hunting spot in all the wrong places and some people look in all the right places, you can hunt elk in both.
When I scout I don't really care if I see elk, that's not necessarily what I am looking for in July. Generally if I do see elk while scouting an area I am pretty sure no one else is going to see them, at least in the scenario and place I saw them in.
Colorado OTC scouting the people is just as important. I like to show up a couple days early to feel out the area. If your new to the area your first year will be mostly learning roads, people and how the elk relate. Also whoever made that OBI WON MEME IS A GENIUS
I remember my first year scouting in July for a Sept muzzleloader tag and I got pics of all kinds of nice bulls. Had my area down pretty good And was beyond pumped for the season. Then came the season......30 plus vehicles and horse trailers when I arrived at the two trailheads I had been using to scout and never saw a single elk in days of hiking and scouting. Met a chit ton of hunters, mostly from out of state though! I personally don’t put a grain of salt in what I see in July unless you are going to be there the day pressure arrives, because within two weeks of the Sitka and kuiu gear bow hunters arriving they will pushed far and deep or on to private.

Yep...this pretty much sums up reality. Finding a bunch of elk in July means absolutely shit.