Colorado OTC Archery Elk


Jan 29, 2022
The West
I don't think the maps alone provide any indication of hunting pressure. Are you saying the increase in post about otc vs the maps indicates pressure?

A lot of you guys talk like there is no one left hunting in the units that were otc and are now limited. Most of those units can be drawn with zero points or even second choice. Meaning anyone who plans could still be hunting the units they were hunting before. You can't just take those tag numbers and assume all those people went to the other otc units, most of them are still where they were before. Now, for those who don't plan or keep otc as a backup option only, I can see those guys could cause an increase. But how to measure the number of those guys vs guys who always hunted "x unit"? With the tag return option now, you can get your "backup" zero pt/second choice hunt and return it if another state draw comes through.
I think the only real data that would confirm increased pressure on the remaining units is (qty of otc tags sold/per land area of otc units) compared to then and now.
I had an otc tag last year and saw some pressure, but saw and heard elk too, but I mostly hunted with my wife and friends in a limited leftover unit. I failed to acquire a tag on leftover day cause I hit the wrong button, lol.
There is some direct correlation between less open otc units and more crowding to think otherwise is ignorant. How much more can you squeeze that many hunters into that few units and expect different.


Feb 17, 2015
Google Colorado Wildlife Commission and see who is on it now, It is by appointment only, by the governor. Special interest groups have more representation now than hunters. Several of the regional Cpw guys we were working with when this all started on cutting hunting tags, had or were selling their homes and moving out of state. They said that whether it was the wolves, or trying to do what the local deer and elk herds needed for sustainability and health, the Wildlife Commission shut them out. It's money and politics now,

Of the 13 members only one has any qualifications around biology. And his experience has nothing to do with Colorado big game animals like elk deer moose etc. so basically there is not one single person on the board with Colorado wildlife management expertise. Very discouraging.


Jan 29, 2022
The West
Of the 13 members only one has any qualifications around biology. And his experience has nothing to do with Colorado big game animals like elk deer moose etc. so basically there is not one single person on the board with Colorado wildlife management expertise. Very discouraging.
Absolutely, it is terrifying actually, polis is actively trying to put a head member of the “wildlife guardians” on the commission they are an anti hunting organization


Mar 1, 2012
A lot of you guys talk like there is no one left hunting in the units that were otc and are now limited. Most of those units can be drawn with zero points or even second choice. Meaning anyone who plans could still be hunting the units they were hunting before.

While this ^^ may be true, when guys hunt OTC, typically many are also collecting PPs [like me].
Why would someone burn several PPs on a unit that takes 0 PPs?

That's how the remaining OTC units get more pressure.

And although that could be an issue in itself, its the way the Regs allow the game to be played.


Dec 22, 2021
I saw the effects last year. I may have to look at plans C and D right out the gate, which means a real ugly pack out. Uff!

I’m kinda hoping I draw a certain unit I’m chasing until this shit show passes.
My son is doing the same. My point accumulating days are over because its either put in yearly to try and hunt locally, or-- go north to an OTC unit and start accumulating points again. My son puts in for a quality unit up north and until he finally beats the point creep, he has to hope to draw locally on his 2nd choice, or go north. We went round and round with CPW that this was not fair to guys who were getting close to drawing out on quality units and hence couldn't put in for their local draw unit
Feb 12, 2018
Kansas City
From about 2000 to 2012, Colorado's elk herds were growing and it was in every hunting magazine that it had the largest elk herd statewide in the Union. DOW increased tags year after year, increased cow tags, started having late season hunts, depredation hunts and all were singing Kumbaya around the campfire. About 2014 was when I remember telling my son that somethings wrong. The sign, summer and fall, was decreasing. This is just in the southern third of the state. The northern two thirds weren't seeing this decrease, or as drastic of a decrease. And it got worse with every year until we started rattling cages about it. You have to remember. It all starts with the Cpw herd counts, which I flew around in a plane one winter about 1998 helping them count. If we spotted a herd that looked like close to 100 head, the biologist would add 50 head to it to make up for the ones we didn see and count. I told them thats not right, and if they were over counting year after year, one day it would catch up to them.
Need those biologists to move up north to AK and do the Caribou counts ha


Sep 20, 2021
Glad you had a good hunt but I think he is referring to OTC being phased out in general, as in OTC opportunities are dropping like flies and in 3-5 years could see there being none.
Exactly, I love hunting Colorado and I have had lots of good hunts. I even spent most of that mentioned hunt in elk. Had a herd bull screaming at me from 120 yards away, which as a rifle hunter was a new experience.

I always advocate for Colorado residents to remain otc, and I am not a Colorado resident. I live in Nebraska.

@Farmingdale's Finest Wouldn’t you rather hunt every few years and have a better experience than mostly dodging hunting pressure? Especially after a 36 hour drive!!!
Dec 30, 2017
Exactly, I love hunting Colorado and I have had lots of good hunts. I even spent most of that mentioned hunt in elk. Had a herd bull screaming at me from 120 yards away, which as a rifle hunter was a new experience.

I always advocate for Colorado residents to remain otc, and I am not a Colorado resident. I live in Nebraska.

@Farmingdale's Finest Wouldn’t you rather hunt every few years and have a better experience than mostly dodging hunting pressure? Especially after a 36 hour drive!!!
I live in NJ and thought there was virtually no pressure where we hunted even though it was supposed to have been two of the most heavily hunted units in Colorado. In the woods we met one person and he helped me with the learning of the area. Being I hunt with my son who is in the Navy there is no longer term planning. We need to go when the Govt gives him the time.

Also I am spoiled as far as hunting seasons go. In NJ we have a 6 month deer season in most of the state and unlimited does and a 3 buck limit with the various permits. Never take 3 bucks and focus on does for the freezer but not being able to hunt each fall would drive me insane. I live to bowhunt.


Oct 1, 2018
Seeing that map makes me think one thing...

Man I feel sorry for people who traditionally hunt Routt National Forest. Probably going to have like 5 times more people in that area than there was 5 years ago...


Jan 24, 2014
Seeing that map makes me think one thing...

Man I feel sorry for people who traditionally hunt Routt National Forest. Probably going to have like 5 times more people in that area than there was 5 years ago...

Been hunting the Routt since ‘99. ‘21 was the last year, first time I’ve never seen any sign. But I saw a shit ton of hikers, runners, and hunters.
Never again.

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Oct 1, 2018
Been hunting the Routt since ‘99. ‘21 was the last year, first time I’ve never seen any sign. But I saw a shit ton of hikers, runners, and hunters.
Never again.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I feel your pain. It's sad how much the quality of hunting has deteriorated simple because of a mass flood of new people into the field.
Jul 4, 2023
Ya, I really question the strategy of CPW. You can’t eliminate like a third of the units and still allow unlimited tags.

I know they are looking at changing things. I kind of like how Wyoming and others do it where you have some general units that one tag can access any but you keep certain units limited either to manage for trophy or help a herd rebound.
I couldn’t agree more. I like the way Montana does it (albeit can be confusing) to create a general tag with loads of access and specific restrictions based on herd management. I hope Colorado adopts something similar soon
Aug 27, 2022
Thanks for posting these maps. I’ve only been archery elk hunting in CO the last three years so it’s helpful to see some past info on how things have changed. I can say without question that the backcountry pressure 3-5 miles back in the OTC unit I’ve been hunting the last 3 years has increased significantly each year. As a 20 year CO resident I obviously wish I had gotten into the game a long time ago but I’ll try to make the most of it
Aug 11, 2023
Glad you had a good hunt but I think he is referring to OTC being phased out in general, as in OTC opportunities are dropping like flies and in 3-5 years could see there being none.
I think it will be quicker than that if the focus is on management and not revenue. We shall see!
Apr 28, 2022
Springfield Ky
Decreasing tags is less profitable, but growing the Elk is the Elk's future and they really need to make sure that whatever model they choose to use, meets the management goals of the animals.


Feb 26, 2012
The current government in Colorado is trying to eliminate hunting altogether. "Wildlife managing wildlife" is code for "no hunting." That's why they are importing wolves and that's why the OTC seasons are getting worse. Colorado is electing people who want to destroy the Western heritage of this state.


Apr 28, 2020
I do think there needs to be some sort of squeeze to regulate the masses… how… i have no idea. But i can say i have hunted otc archery elk for 4 of the 5 past yrs and have always had great hunts. I like the opportunity over trophy. I have always found human-less areas, had great vocals, killed some bulls and called a bull n for my buddy for his first bull.