I know it's an old thread, but I think I found the same thing happening for this cow tag. It looks like 55 people applied for the tag that had a quota of 65 cows, but only 16 tags were drawn in the primary draw. The rest of the tags were drawn as leftovers. What exactly does it mean as far as being able to draw it as a second choice this year?
I'm hoping I can get a preference point and draw this as a second choice. That way I can get an OTC Archery list A tag, bank a preference point to hunt someplace cool in the future, then have another chance to hunt the late season.
I'm hoping I can get a preference point and draw this as a second choice. That way I can get an OTC Archery list A tag, bank a preference point to hunt someplace cool in the future, then have another chance to hunt the late season.