Colorado Dark Timber Wind Challenges

Nov 27, 2013
I hunt early and late, never mid day. Waste of time in the areas I hunt. I will say as someone mentioned above, if you have elk bugling and are in an area with guys everywhere, I'm going in I don't care what time it is. I've done the "Wait" game only to have it busted up by other guys.
Jul 15, 2019
I know you guys are talking archery but I've learned so much from this thread. Thanks everyone. Wish I'd read it before this past weekend. This was my first year. Did first rifle in CO and only had Saturday-Monday to hunt so I felt like I needed to rush the whole time, but even given the fact that I was pressed for time, rushing things turned out to be the wrong move, several times. Learned a bunch of lessons, most of them wind-related. Didn't glass as much as I should have. Set up in places I thought hunters might pressure elk to in the mornings, then crawled through the timber most of the day all three days. Sunday, I cut tracks multiple times in the snow, and tried to get up on those elk in the timber; bumped two bulls out of there due to inconsistent wind coupled with my unwillingness to back out and wait for a better opportunity. Yea, it's tough to back out when you know your time is limited, but like one person said earlier, you just can't sit there pretending they're not gonna smell you when the wind isn't right. I did come very close to getting a bull once that day though (when I was sitting, not moving around) and that encounter was enough to make me extremely excited for next year. Had an absolute blast out there.