Colorado B+C Muley

Mar 27, 2013
I need to make a choice soon. Have to quit applying for that unit I Have no chance to draw with 9pts. Non. Res. My goal is a B+C muley. Rifle or muzz. Is anyone willing to help?
I need to make a choice soon. Have to quit applying for that unit I Have no chance to draw with 9pts. Non. Res. My goal is a B+C muley. Rifle or muzz. Is anyone willing to help?

If all your looking for is a net book deer you can hunt anywhere. :D

Seriously, every unit in the state has the potential to have 200" deer in it. With 9 points you have a ton of choices
Drummond, Thanks for the reply. That's true, however there are 4 or 5 that top the list.(west slope) The points demand reflects that. The chance to draw a 3rd season in those units with 9 non res pts. are slim to none. I am considering muzz. but would like to hear other opinions.
I'm New to hunting CO so can't help much. Don't take this condescending but I think you're quite a bit late in asking for help on even what unit to apply for. You'll likely get some help if you show you've at least done your own research and have a bit more specific questions to ask regarding a specific hunt. The more you educate yourself before asking questions the more likely you'll receive some help. Best of luck to you.


The deadline is today so you better make a decision soon. My .02 is do not let point demand fool you. These are usually very popular hunts that are managed for "trophy" quality animals. However, finding a B&C buck in one of those units is just as tough if not more difficult than other units in the state. This is simply due to accessibility and the fact that everyone who burns those points is looking for that caliber.
Thanks guys for the advice and support. I made a 1st and 2nd choice. I did do a very lot of research and applied for a hunt that took 9 pts last year.If the points creep keeps going I probably wont draw. I can't afford to pre-scout for next years draw, so I will try to learn more about hunts that are easier to draw.