Color Blind: Glassing For deer/elk


Jul 27, 2016
The first bull I killed I had my little sister with me and she got to watch me shoot him. It was raining and I remember walking up to the spot I had hit him shortly after and was looking all around at the ground for blood. My sister asked what I was looking for and I told her we needed to try to find blood before the rain washed it all away!! She looked at me like I was crazy and said: "There is Blood Everywhere!!" I couldn't see a drop. I told her to follow it and she walked us right to the bull in the middle of a rainstorm.

I remember my Dad use to get so mad at me when I was a kid helping track animals. He would rip a leaf off of a bush and hold it up showing me what I was looking for!! It just looked like a little brown spot to me??? I didn't find out I was color blind until I was 23 when I had to be tested for an electrical job I took. I totally failed the test and she told me that I had a severe red-green color blind.

I can pick out a deer or elk like it nobody's business, my buddies and wife can't believe how many animals I spot!!


Mar 18, 2018
Defiantly red green color blind tracking is brutal I usually just make a phone call right away a lighted mock helps some at least I know where to start when my buddies get there!

I never knew it could be an advantage and thinking about it now I always got made at some of the guys in or hunting group cause they could never turn up deer. I always thought they were being lazy and may have even told them that. Hell maybe it wasn’t their fault.

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