Collared animals

Mar 4, 2012
Western Colorado
Received a research book on Mt. Goats in the mail last night and many of the animals in it had collars or ear tags. About 10 years ago I shot a Bull Elk in CO. that had a collar and transmitter. I returned all to the DOW and received a call about 2 months later from a DOW guy named "Freddie". We talked for a long time and he sent me a map with all the locations that they had recorded the animals location from the air in the past 3.5 years. I shot him 40 miles from where he was originally collared. Traveling son-o-guns.
Have you ever been involved with this or have you ever seen an animal w/collars or ear tags?
That's pretty cool Rick.. I always though that would be a kick ass job to be the one collering critters and tracking their movements.. Only animal I seen was a Muley doe in Mammoth Mt. CA
In 2010, I arrowed a mule deer in the high-country of Colorado that had an ear tag. After turning in the info from the tag, I learned the buck was tagged 5 years earlier almost 50 miles away on the winter range. At the time of tagging, the buck was aged at 4 years when I arrowed him, he was 9 years old! Unreal.
That's cool, I wasn't directly involved in it but my uncle shot this buck this past fall in S. Central Idaho that had ear tags and a collar... He was collared in 06 I believe and was 3 years old at the time which would make him 6-6.5 at the time of harvest and was a purdy good ways from where he was originally captured...
I have never shot one anything with a collar, but I have seen a few bucks with collars over the years.

One day while driving down the Grey's River Road in Wyoming during hunting season I saw some does up ahead crossing the road and one of them looked to have a really large and strange looking collar around her neck. As I pulled up next to them, the strange collar turned out to be a toilet seat! True story. I tried getting my camera out but the headed into the timber before I could get it out of my pack. I guess you never know what you are gonna see:)
Shot a bear with two ear tags. Shot him about 100 miles from where he was tagged. He was a problem bear (because of the 2 tags and a 3 strike policy) so I am happy I got him and he didn't have to be put down.
That is actually fantastic Justin!! I am pretty close, I believe the CO DOW ...oh wait its called ...can't remember something to do with parks. Anyway, the DOW had to kill app.27 problem Bears up in Aspen/Pitkin County last year 2011. Really SAD, their job is to protect etc etc and they have to put the animals down due to probably ignorant tree huggers. Good picture
I shot a collared lion in January. Had two ear tags, or one tag and one tag hole.


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My Muzzleloader Roosevelt Bull was collared and tagged. I shot him about 1.5 miles from were he was net gunned and studied earlier the same year in the spring. After returning the collar the Biologist actually emailed me some photos of the bull on the ground sedated and a map of were they caught him. Pretty cool stuff!!
Before our trip in 2012 we had been watching the caribou herds move based on the 100 caribou that have collars. Ironically the 4th day of the hunt one of the guys had a small bou come by with a collar and stop and look at them long enough for him and the guide to get a few pictures of him. They didn't realize how rare it would have to be to see one.
Rick.....the whole time I was trying to dig the camera out of my pack the only thought that was going through my mind was everyone will call "bullshit" on this one if I don't get a photo. :)