Cold Storage in Kotzebue?

I am with Ram later in September. Bryan told me that the hotel, Nullagvik, has a freezer. May want to verify that with him.

Please let me know how your trip goes.
Answering my question for anyone else who wants the answer. The Nullagvik has freezers, but we didn’t use them. NAC (northern air cargo) ships whatever you want for $0.33 a pound to Anchorage. They’ll also freeze it solid prior to shipment if you ask. I went that route because my caribou antlers are still in velvet and we managed to get them out of the field before it started slipping
Answering my question for anyone else who wants the answer. The Nullagvik has freezers, but we didn’t use them. NAC (northern air cargo) ships whatever you want for $0.33 a pound to Anchorage. They’ll also freeze it solid prior to shipment if you ask. I went that route because my caribou antlers are still in velvet and we managed to get them out of the field before it started slipping
We’re your antlers still attached to the skull? I’m wanting a euro mount. I’m hunting there in early Sept. I haven’t found a way around cutting and splitting the skull.
Because my flight back required 2 bush plane flights (1 cub, 1 Cessna) my whole group had to split antlers. You might talk to your taxidermist about a “removable antler” euro mount.

You cut one horn at the base, and they put a keyed pin in the base and skull to replace and epoxy/plaster back in. My taxidermist is not the best at those so we decided to go horn mount or shoulder to avoid any issues.

If your bush flights support not splitting the antlers, you can ship them home via Alaskan airlines in a large box. We fit 3 sets of split with tons of room left over in one large box (it was way over size - much more than their published max - but they still took it for $100). I suspect if you had the same box we did, you can fit 2 large sets of unsplit horns in the box fairly easily
Because my flight back required 2 bush plane flights (1 cub, 1 Cessna) my whole group had to split antlers. You might talk to your taxidermist about a “removable antler” euro mount.

You cut one horn at the base, and they put a keyed pin in the base and skull to replace and epoxy/plaster back in. My taxidermist is not the best at those so we decided to go horn mount or shoulder to avoid any issues.

If your bush flights support not splitting the antlers, you can ship them home via Alaskan airlines in a large box. We fit 3 sets of split with tons of room left over in one large box (it was way over size - much more than their published max - but they still took it for $100). I suspect if you had the same box we did, you can fit 2 large sets of unsplit horns in the box fairly easily

Thanks for the info. Absent of any other way I could find, I was thinking of cutting off one antler below the burr. Removing the jaw in field and cleaning up the skull as much as possible. I thought then the removed antler would nest against the other for packing, shipping home. I would triple wrap the skull to aovid any leakage/smell issue. Either box or wrap excessively and put in large duffle bag for checked luggage. Then using a double ended screw to reattach the antler to the skull for a euro mount after of course doing a skull boil.

BTW, in the event we punt and settle just for a horn mount. any tips on what splitting a skull looks like? Can't find a youtube video.
Thanks for the info. Absent of any other way I could find, I was thinking of cutting off one antler below the burr. Removing the jaw in field and cleaning up the skull as much as possible. I thought then the removed antler would nest against the other for packing, shipping home. I would triple wrap the skull to aovid any leakage/smell issue. Either box or wrap excessively and put in large duffle bag for checked luggage. Then using a double ended screw to reattach the antler to the skull for a euro mount after of course doing a skull boil.

BTW, in the event we punt and settle just for a horn mount. any tips on what splitting a skull looks like? Can't find a youtube video.
Sounds like a good plan.

Splitting the rack:
I didn’t take pictures, but it’s pretty simple. After you’ve separated the skull plate turn your saw blade perpendicular to the skull plate. Saw halfway(ish) through without getting into the burrs. Flip the rack around and cut the 2nd half from the opposite direction. You’re looking to create a very wide “V” cut. The v makes it where it’s easy to put them back together at the original width
Sounds like a good plan.

Splitting the rack:
I didn’t take pictures, but it’s pretty simple. After you’ve separated the skull plate turn your saw blade perpendicular to the skull plate. Saw halfway(ish) through without getting into the burrs. Flip the rack around and cut the 2nd half from the opposite direction. You’re looking to create a very wide “V” cut. The v makes it where it’s easy to put them back together at the original width
Thanks good info. Hope I get lucky enough to test it out!
For splitting the antlers we cut the skull plate off then cut about half way though between the antlers dropped them on the ground and broke the rest of the skull plate to separate. It will follow the natural joints in the skull. My taxidermist then used the crack to reposition perfectly, it's his preferred method might check with your guy. My hunting partner used an white epoxy and euro his skull once home. Turned out very nice you'd never notice without super up close inspection that the skull plate had been removed.

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For splitting the antlers we cut the skull plate off then cut about half way though between the antlers dropped them on the ground and broke the rest of the skull plate to separate. It will follow the natural joints in the skull. My taxidermist then used the crack to reposition perfectly, it's his preferred method might check with your guy. My hunting partner used an white epoxy and euro his skull once home. Turned out very nice you'd never notice without super up close inspection that the skull plate had been removed.

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So he cut off the antlers, kept the skull, then cleaned & re-joined them w/white epoxy when he got home. Sounds good as the skull would fit in an oversize ziplock.
So he cut off the antlers, kept the skull, then cleaned & re-joined them w/white epoxy when he got home. Sounds good as the skull would fit in an oversize ziplock.
Correct. He was meticulous when he cut the skull plate so basically it's one saw blade width filled with epoxy. I'll see if he'll take a picture later tonight

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