CO Unit 3 Deer

If you want to see some good deer, drive through Craig or Baggs at sunrise and sunset. All on private, but good way to remind yourself what they look like before heading back into the fray. I'll add that hunting right on a private/public fenceline can bite you in the ass. Those land owners get multiple calls each season for a deer or elk shot on public that hopped into private before dying. They get pretty annoyed.

A guy I was hunting with made a bad shot on a deer about 3/4 of a mile from private. His deer made it onto private and we watched it lay down. Tried to contact the land owner, couldn't get ahold of them. Called the game warden, who called the ranch manager on his cell phone. He showed up to escort us to get the deer, but he was UN-Happy! He said it was his 13th call like this that season so far. It was the second day of the season. While we were there, we watched as another group of hunters posted up right on his fenceline. He was seething.

I've had it happen. As long as there's a blood trail leading onto my place it's no big deal to me. I could see that getting old as well but stuff happens. I'd rather it be recovered than left to rot on my land.
I hunted the Mathers Ranch in 2010, it was loaded with deer. Located on the 6 or 7 road I believe. I stalked up a 30" deer and he was one field over on another ranch. Guys from Wisconsin shot up the forks and 3 points pretty good. I saw a bunch of camps on BLM that had some nice deer hanging. It didn't seem too crowded but that was 12 years ago.
I hunted the Mathers Ranch in 2010, it was loaded with deer. Located on the 6 or 7 road I believe. I stalked up a 30" deer and he was one field over on another ranch. Guys from Wisconsin shot up the forks and 3 points pretty good. I saw a bunch of camps on BLM that had some nice deer hanging. It didn't seem too crowded but that was 12 years ago.

Like most places 10 years ago the hunting was better. It's a far cry from that now on public land.
This is all great information. I just picked up a unit 3 tag for second rifle and was worried about this given the number of tags and OTC elk hunters. If anyone has some areas they liked and allowed you to get away from the legions please PM me. Probably will only get 2 days to hunt.

I’ll be up there 3rd season, if you don’t mind I’m going to send you a PM and see what you see while up there…

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Question- should I avoid taking my son to this unit as his first deer hunt? I’m a resident here in CO and I’ve been looking for 0 point units with good success. But all the stories on this unit of endless road hunters and flying bullets have me a little on edge to take my kid.

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Question- should I avoid taking my son to this unit as his first deer hunt? I’m a resident here in CO and I’ve been looking for 0 point units with good success. But all the stories on this unit of endless road hunters and flying bullets have me a little on edge to take my kid.

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You’ll be fine with your kid, I helped and watched a guy put his daughter on a decent 130” 4x4 and no one ruined or came by on their 45 min stalk… yes there are a lot of people, but the unit is massive, and lots of first timer bucks available for a kid to hunt

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Question- should I avoid taking my son to this unit as his first deer hunt? I’m a resident here in CO and I’ve been looking for 0 point units with good success. But all the stories on this unit of endless road hunters and flying bullets have me a little on edge to take my kid.

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I think you’d be fine, but if you want to wait a few days for the crowds to thin out just for a little piece of mind it’s not going to hurt.
Going to scout unit 3 in July for 3 days if I draw. Does anyone have pics of bucks they killed?
In unit 3 id say 120"-140" is a good deer. With how much pressure it gets and the winter kill of '23 higher age class deer are rare.
This year, any buck might be a good buck. Even in a normal year, the genetics in that area aren't great, so keeping your expectations reasonable will make for a better experience.