CO Compliant Loads


Mar 22, 2019
Hoping to draw my unit 61 muzzy elk tag this year. I just retired from the wine grape business that would never allow me to be gone in September.

I have two options:
TC Express .50 sidelock.
TC Impact SB .50 inline.

Just bought the Impact from a buddy and am intrigued by the inline 209 ignition. I've been looking at some of the Powerbelt aero tips and am excited to try those in both rifles.
Guessing I can't use triple 7 or Black horn powder?

Any guidance will be appreciated.
First, I recommend reading the Colorado regs, they're among the most specific regs in the country for muzzle loaders.

Also, I hate power belts, thor bullets seem to work better at inline velocities. If you are going to use your sidelock the heaviest hornady great plains projectiles that will stabilize are the way to go.
Second checking regs personally before any endeavors.

For Colorado I would definitely go with Blackhorn 209, totally worth it. I had great luck with the Hornady FPBs but I think they may be discontinued. Another CO option would be the Federal BOR lock muz bullets, have heard great things about them. No personal experience with powerbelts, but I heard enough bad stories that I stayed away from them.
Colorado regs are pretty simple:

Loose powder only
Full bore conicals only (no sabots)
Open sights only.

Doubt you can use Blackhorn 209. Not because it isn’t legal, but because it isn’t available. Grab some 777 if you still can but if you use the inline, get 777 primers, if you can find them!

Also agree not to use powerbelts but if you do, DON’T use aerolites. They are designed to blow up on impact. Not stay together and penetrate.

I would recommend either Federal Bor-lock MZ or Hornady bore driver.

Good luck finding powder, bullets and primers!
+1 for reading the regulations. They're very specific.

I've killed a lot of animals with those powerbelts. See how they shoot in your guns and go from there.
My dad had a power belt fall out of the barrel of his CVA while deer hunting. It didn’t get banged around on anything. The bullet broke free of the plastic base. Base stayed on barrel, and the bullet fell out. My story for not using them.
I use the PB platinums in 270gr for deer but they make them in 300 and 338gr, I'd imagine they'd work great for Elk. The platinums are designed for deeper penetration with a smaller hollow point and they can handle magnum charges of powder 110-150gr. I was very pleased with the accuracy with my optima V2 with 110gr of buckhorn and the 270 Platinum PB.
Get a Williams Rear Peep for your TC. Makes a big difference. Mount it as far back as you can. I shoot 120 grains of Blackhorn 209 in my TC Triumph w a 250 Thor (Barnes) blue tipped copper bullet and a CCI Mag 209 primer. I know a lot of guys like the Thor 300 for elk but I've had real good luck killing 4 bulls the last 5 years with this set up. If you practice with a rest and or short bipod you can shoot 150 + yds. Real good penetration and kills hell out of em.

From what I know you should be fine with the TC Impact with this load and set up.
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Ive tried a few different bullets including the 300 thors and have not been impressed. I have seen a colorado bull take a 460 no excuses and it was lights out pretty quick. Shot was about 15 yards and the bullet did not exit, found against the hide on the far side.
Yea 25 years ago I shot a Thompson Renegade 54 percussion with 100 grains of Pyrodex and a 435 grain Buffalo Bullet. My range was maybe 80 yards on a good day and killed 10 0r 12 bulls here in Colorado with this set up. The inline is way better. Might as well take advantage of it. Whatever works for you. Those Powerbelt Platinums 338 grain or whatever they are also shoot good in my rifles. I'm sure there are many more. The main thing is to find something your rifle likes and practice with it so you are confident when your chance arises. After waiting many years for a good muzzle bull tag you need to be ready for what may be your one chance. Just sayin' this is what has worked for me. I'm sure you will get lots of other opinions on here. Everybody's an expert.
Thanks to everyone for the help. Been in Lakeside AZ (8 miles from Show Low) and LOVE the area....and people. Obviously our world is pretty upside down at the moment but we're making headway. Probably got about 85% of our stuff squared away. Loving our new place.

I've already located what sounds like at amazing shooting range. There's also a Sportsman warehouse in the area and they do have triple 7 powder.

Still gotta draw that tag!
Lots of good elk hunting where you are in AZ. Done a little elk hunting with the Apaches down there. Muzzle loader regs are way better in AZ. You can use a scope etc. Good luck and have fun. Nothing better than elk hunting in September.
I’m setting up my old .54 Knight MK-85 for CO elk as well hopefully for 2023.

I’m working with the Parker Productions 580 Gr Hydra-Con conicals. I am using 100 gr of Pyrodex P FFFG but am wondering if I should switch powders? The load data provided was utilizing Pyrodex P FFG.

If I remember right when the in-lines first came out it was Pyrodex P. Shortly after Pyrodex Select came out then then Pyrodex RS came out then then 777, pellitized powders, etc., then finally Blackhorn 209. Each successive powder supposedly had less fouling, better consistency, higher velocities etc.

Even though the load data was developed for the conicals I am using with Pyrodex P, wouldn’t I be better off switching to one of the newer powders, say 777 for less fouling (despite the so called “crud ring“), higher velocity, and more consistency. I know with my guns #11 percussion caps the Blackhorn 209 is out.

I did put a Caldwell pic rail adapter on so I can utilize my MOA bipod and I upgraded my sights years ago to a TruGlo globe on the front and a ghost ring on the back which is an improvement over the factory sights.

Congrats on your retirement and move to AZ CHWine and hope you draw your CO tag this year!


Friends don’t let friends shoot Powerbelt. You would probably be better with cotton balls. Borlok, Thor and No Excuses are pretty well proven.
Well, so much for the best laid plans. After 25 years of waiting....I did not draw the unit 61 muzzy elk tag. Pretty gut punched right now.
Well, so much for the best laid plans. After 25 years of waiting....I did not draw the unit 61 muzzy elk tag. Pretty gut punched right now.
Sorry to hear you didn’t draw your tag CHWine. Hopefully you have some other hunts lined up this year and will draw your 61 muzzy tag next year!

FPBs are not sabots. They are full bore conicals. However, they don’t make them any more. Haven’t for a couple of years. Shooters choice seems like a legit business, but it’s fishy that they call them sabots, then conicals in the description. And fishy that they have them so long after they were discontinued. Hmmmmm

Second there is only a glimmer of hope that he might find some $65 per 10 Oz BH 209 at a store somewhere. It is gone from online. He is better served using 777