Hey all, new member and first time elk hunter here. Few friends and I are hunting archery elk in CO 77/78/771 this season. None of us have elk experience, and we decided to do a draw zone that pulled with no pref points rather than doing an OTC zone. I know pressure will still be bad, but we are just excited for the experience. We are all doing a ton of research and e-scouting, and planning a boots on the ground scouting trip in July. Not asking anyone for waypoints, but would love if some of you who have hunted this unit could provide some insight on terrain features to key on, elevation to focus on, how the herd is in this unit, etc. Any generally helpful tips for first time hunters would be great too. I'm a new member on here so can't send PM's yet, but if you have stuff you dont wanna post in the thread feel free to text me as well 6103506311. Thanks in advance and can't wait to get out and experience an elk hunt for the first time.