Nope. I've been using this design for years and the easiest system I've found is a long fine diamond stone and then a triangular chock stick [like the ones in the Spyderco Sharpsmaker]
You get them close on the diamond front to back, then lightly go across them with the chock stick- gets em popping sharp. Its quick too.
BTW, those montecs are of very poor steel...better off with VPA, Snuffer SS or Hellrazor
I use a 3-sided Jewelstick with the coarsest side first to raise a burr on one side of the blade, flip it, raise another burr. Then, I begin gently "wiping" off the burr finalizing with the fine (1800) grit on the JS. At this point, they will usually shave. I finish out on a strop w/ compound though just for fun. It's of course not the only way to do it but it's a method that works well.