Clipper Hone

Nope. I've been using this design for years and the easiest system I've found is a long fine diamond stone and then a triangular chock stick [like the ones in the Spyderco Sharpsmaker]

You get them close on the diamond front to back, then lightly go across them with the chock stick- gets em popping sharp. Its quick too.

BTW, those montecs are of very poor steel...better off with VPA, Snuffer SS or Hellrazor
Any tips or tricks for sharpening slick tricks. I'm tired if buying replacement blades.

I use a 3-sided Jewelstick with the coarsest side first to raise a burr on one side of the blade, flip it, raise another burr. Then, I begin gently "wiping" off the burr finalizing with the fine (1800) grit on the JS. At this point, they will usually shave. I finish out on a strop w/ compound though just for fun. It's of course not the only way to do it but it's a method that works well.