Clarification for AB Raptor suppressor and muzzle devices?

Jun 12, 2013
I’m pretty settled on getting an AB Raptor suppressor, but am just wanting to clarify information on muzzle devices.

I know you can use compatible muzzle devices with the flush mount setup. My question is if you can use a muzzle device with the reflex attached as well? I like the idea of maybe protecting the barrel threads a little bit, but more importantly, if I go with my wife or kids, they would use the suppressor and then my hunting rifle could still use a brake. Is that possible?

Thanks for any information!!
Raptor owner here, as far as I can tell there's no way to use the reflex with any sort of muzzle device. I have a CGS thread adapter on my AR that lets me put the direct thread flush mount on, but there's not enough room inside the reflex to have any sort of muzzle device that extends forward of the threads (even if you do like I did and get a muzzle device with ⅝ x 24 threads).
