Magneto speed or a regular optical one? Any specific models you guys like?
I just use it (Magnetospeed) after load workup to get an idea of speed and then confirm with actual shooting.
I'd wait for the Lab Radar. I have the Magnetospeed and it works great but it changes point of impact and opens the group on the thin barrels so I can't work pressure and velocity at the same time I work accuracy. Ideal is to be as to do both at the same time and the Lab Radar should do that. No way I'll ever go back to an optical unit.
Me too.
Have noticed up to 0.3mil POI shift on a #3 contour barrel, but accuracy seems to hold IF the strap stays tight. Still, I do as IA HNTR stated above, and slap it on after I find an accuracy node that warrants further consideration.
LabRadar looks very cool, but I don't dawdle on load development enough to warrant getting one. Find a good load & velocity true it at distance in conjunction with a Doppler proven bullet drag profile, and chrono data becomes more a convenience than a necessity. And the Magnetospeed wins in the convenience category...
Email reply from them said first batch has been sold out and unknown for next batch. Counting on Shrek to be the first on rokslide to aquire and run it thru the wringer. Your review and enthusiasm with the magnetospeed put one in my hands
hope someone on here buys one and gives a solid report........