Calling it a Ponzi Scheme is a bit harsh don't you think? Are you saying you trust the insurance company to always do the right thing 100% of the time?What happens if there’s a catastrophic accident or something else totally unexpected? You could rack up a 6 figure bill very quickly. You’re supposed to front that out of pocket? I’d bet the vast majority on this plan don’t have that kind of cash floating around. What kind of assurance do you have that the pool of funds will always be sufficient to cover expenses? What’s it backed by? Are the financials made public to prospective purchasers?
No personal experience with this idea of “insurance”, just curious. I don’t understand it. I am a finance professional, yet also a Christian, so I find this concept fascinating, even though it’s a textbook Ponzi Scheme.
Thanks to the Unaffordable care act my premiums quadrupled and the deductible increased substantially every year. Basically I would pay over $20k out of pocket before they would cover anything at all. For someone who (luckily) hardly ever ever needed health care it was hard to justify. Every year it got jacked up more & more & I got tired of feeling like I was pulling everybody else's wagon.
It may not be right for everyone but for a single, self employed person who gets hosed every which way you turn it made sense (and cents) to me.
I don't remember the exact details but when you sign up for the top "gold" level you can add the "Brother's Keeper" program (for an additional $17 per month roughly) which provides unlimited financial sharing assistance in the event of catastrophic event.
Just think of it as "decentralized health care insurance" lol