Cheapest way to save weight on a backpack hunt!

I'd say time if more valuable than both. I'd take 10 extra pounds around my gut and 10 in my pack for an extra day in the field away from work. Can't kill critters from work or the gym. :D


I would disagree, when you look at all the choices in gear out there today you can find plenty of gear that will get the job done and be moderately priced.
You can also spend an extra $200 on a sleeping bag to shave off an extra 2 lbs.
You can spend $200 on a gym membership and lose 10 lbs (or more).


Well, it's fine to disagree, that's what discussions like this are all about. Just realize that: 1) my opinion above is an expression of a concept that can't really be proven or disproven with a financial argument, and 2) your financial argument is seriously flawed.

Your basic assumption is that spending a certain amount of money at the gym equates to losing a certain amount of weight. I don't believe that's true; as a matter of fact, I know it's not. In my case, when we moved here 14 years ago my wife signed us up at the local gym for a family membership for the five of us. In financial terms those costs have been fixed costs for the past 14 years and we'd have incurred those costs if I'd never gone to the gym or if I'd been hit by a bus and killed because she would have maintained the membership for herself and our three sons regardless. For the purposes of a financial analysis, those costs are fixed, not variable, and they are taken out of the equation so to speak.

As it happened, I did go to the gym regularly. For 14 years I had a pretty good regimen but maintained the same weight (208-210) because I wasn't motivated to change it. Last summer, I got the motivation to drop some weight, so I shed 15 lbs. and I've kept it off. My weight loss had nothing to do with what I was spending or not spending for a gym membership because most of it was due to changes in diet. So for the purposes of a financial analysis, I lost 15 lbs. with no addition or subtraction of cost.

Here's another example. Last night I visited with a couple I've known for years, they're in their early 40's. They've always been active and athletic, but recently his job has required that he travel worldwide pretty much constantly. He put on some pounds, and I know it was bothering him. In the last six months, he lost 30 lbs. without setting foot in the gym. They both lost weight by running intervals on the roads in their neighborhood, and changing their diet. Proving that in their case at least, weight loss was 100% independent of spending money on a gym membership.

So, I would say weight loss on your body has much more to do with personal motivation and habits than what you spend on a gym membership.

To reinforce that, I was at the gym yesterday. I see the same guys in there all the time, and there are a few that need to lose 30-40 lbs. but don't--they've looked the same since I started there. They pay their dues every month, but as far as weight loss, they get zero benefit. Because they're not motivated to lose wieght.
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As it happened, I did go to the gym regularly. For 14 years I had a pretty good regimen but maintained the same weight (208-210) because I wasn't motivated to change it. Last summer, I got the motivation to drop some weight, so I shed 15 lbs. and I've kept it off. My weight loss had nothing to do with what I was spending or not spending for a gym membership because most of it was due to changes in diet. So for the purposes of a financial analysis, I lost 15 lbs. with no addition or subtraction of cost.

Here's another example. Last night I visited with a couple I've known for years, they're in their early 40's. They've always been active and athletic, but recently his job has required that he travel worldwide pretty much constantly. He put on some pounds, and I know it was bothering him. In the last six months, he lost 30 lbs. without setting foot in the gym. They both lost weight by running intervals on the roads in their neighborhood, and changing their diet. Proving that in their case at least, weight loss was 100% independent of spending money on a gym membership.

So, I would say weight loss on your body has much more to do with personal motivation and habits than what you spend on a gym membership.

To reinforce that, I was at the gym yesterday. I see the same guys in there all the time, and there are a few that need to lose 30-40 lbs. but don't--they've looked the same since I started there. They pay their dues every month, but as far as weight loss, they get zero benefit. Because they're not motivated to lose wieght.

Well, for all intents and purposes, we are speaking about people motivated to change for the hunt.
It has been proven that to most people, paying a gym membership is a little more motivation to actually do something than not.
As for the person who doesn't have the extra weight to lose, then this discussion is a moot point.

As to the typical hunter, in most situations, where improvements can be made.......(I hope you see the generalities assumed)....
then it would be money better spent towards working out in a gym (which has more options than most people have at home).

Taking into account someone who pays gym fees without seeing a benefit, that person is wasting money and time......due to their lack of motivation.

If you want the easy way out buy more expensive, lightweight gear. If you want a greater benefit, I would agree that motivation is the key, then hit the gym with a purpose of losing weight.

By the way, I'm down another 2 lbs this week and will keep at it until hunting season. It's the cheapest way I know to cut overall weight on the mountain.
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I don't disagree with anything you said, but from a purely financial point of view, the best option would be to forego the gym membership, buy a pair of running shoes, and spend the money you save on the gym membership on lightweight gear. Shelter, bag, and pad first because that's where the weight savings are.
And guys like us with the body build of Olive Oil from Popeye should probably refrain from posting in here. :D
Hey, even us "Olive Oil'ers" can shave some pounds. I've amped up my running and eating healthier and have lost 15# since March 1st. From 173 to 158. I think I can find another 8-10. That'll make up for carrying my TNF Snowshoe 0 bag...
I decided several years ago that my personal health is priceless! Pound for pound, there is no better investment than a strong healthy body. Not only does it allow me to hunt the rugged rocky mountains, it carries over into every other part of life!
Hey, even us "Olive Oil'ers" can shave some pounds. I've amped up my running and eating healthier and have lost 15# since March 1st. From 173 to 158. I think I can find another 8-10. That'll make up for carrying my TNF Snowshoe 0 bag...

I hear ya there!!! At 5'9 I'm 164 this morning. Would like to get down to 155 by first of August, which shouldn't be a big deal if past years summer activities is any indication. :D Last year from May 1st to first week of November I slept in the bed at my house right around 10 nights. The rest was out of town hiking/backpacking/hunting/ or fishing. :D
I hear ya there!!! At 5'9 I'm 164 this morning. Would like to get down to 155 by first of August, which shouldn't be a big deal if past years summer activities is any indication. :D Last year from May 1st to first week of November I slept in the bed at my house right around 10 nights. The rest was out of town hiking/backpacking/hunting/ or fishing. :D

I'm so jealous. I spent 2 weeks of June in AK when I was 12, I didn't want to leave and have been dying to go back. Nearly got yanked into the Susitna by a King.

Although, I'm not so sure weight loss via mosquitos is a good idea...