Cheap “4 Season” tent

Apr 10, 2020
Does anyone know of any dirt-cheap “4-season” tents?

I’ve got some nice backpacking tents, both 3 and 4 season that I use for backpacking trips. But when I camp from my truck, I like a little more room to stretch out. Especially when one of my buddies and dog are along and we’ve got gear. The tent I have been using is a Eureka tetragon 4 or 5 person. It has worked great in mild weather, but earlier this year it got flattened by wind half a dozen times throughout the night. I’m looking for something that will withstand wind and rain and maybe a bit of snow. It doesn’t have to be a traditional 4 season, but I want something that will withstand some pretty decent wind and precipitation.

I also don’t care about weight as it will probably never be carried more than 100 yards.

I’d like something cheap as I plan on making some modifications to it and don’t want to be cutting holes in a hille.
In my experience single wall 4 season tents suck in the rain which limits options. The industry for tents like you talking about is unfortunately limited which makes them cost a premium. You may consider waiting for sales on ice shelters. I used mine very successfully this last year as a hunting tent with cot, heater etc. Not great in the rain but has strong tie downs, standing room, and is a quick setup. Additional cons would be the bulk and ventilation.
Look for a used 6-8 man dome tent that has 4 or more poles and a full length rain fly. Make sure you guy it out real well using all the access points. Locally there is a Cabelas 6p Alaskan Guide listed for 150. Anything new that will withstand what you are looking for will not be cheap.
You really just used 2 mutually exclusive terms. Pick one. Cheap or 4 season.
I know tents marketed as 4 season are expensive. That’s why I put 4 season in quotes. I’ve found that lots of 3 season tents can handle about anything you can throw at them. I just haven’t ever owned a cheaper option outside the Eureka. Hence this thread.
Look for a used 6-8 man dome tent that has 4 or more poles and a full length rain fly. Make sure you guy it out real well using all the access points. Locally there is a Cabelas 6p Alaskan Guide listed for 150. Anything new that will withstand what you are looking for will not be cheap.
I was thinking I’d end up with something like that. Although everything I’ve gotten from Cabelas lately has told me their quality has gone to shit so I don’t think I’d buy anything from them now. Just something of that nature.