Chargemaster Lite Issue


May 20, 2023
I’ve had my Chargemaster Lite for 7 years and it’s been trouble free the whole time until today, something odd was going on.

The temperature inside of my shop was cool and I had a little space heater going. The machine had been on and warmed up for hours. I calibrated it as normal, zreo’d it and it held a steady zero on the display. I closed the dust cover to eliminate any drafts caused by the heater. With the the cover closed the display reading would drop between -.4 - .7 grains. Open the cover and it would return to zero, close the cover and drop .4 - .7 grains, open the cover and return to zero.

I tried everything to eliminate the problem, turned off heater, turned off lights, turned off TV, cleaned the cover and wiped it off with a dryer sheet. Still doing the same thing.

Any thoughts on what to check next?
I don’t have a great answer but I know on my new supreme, if I’m touching or pressing on anything up around where the scale is it wanders.

Curious how accurate your lite is. Maybe how consistant. My seems to have about 4 kernels(h(4350) of spread. Which is around .1 grain. Generally low like it gets to target weight a few keensls premature.
My Lite will sometimes bounce around with the cover over the scale. I just assumed it's static. Without a good way if discharging the static it's only a guess. Dryer sheets in my experience don't help me that much with static.
Thanks fisher.
When I began loading yesterday it was fine and everything was back to normal. It was returning to zero each time with the cover either on or off. There was no drift either way. Strange
When you calibrate a scale something as simple as the location of the check weight can throw it off. Not common but occasionally happens.

Lots of weird theories online for what messes these up and most can be attributed to simple user error. Scale should be on a solid vibration free surface, leveled, and not in a drafty area. Calibrate it how you intend to use it (covers on or off). If your bench flexes/settles at all when you add weight to it you can throw it off too, so having it on a separate dedicated bench is the easy button for reloading.

When in doubt just recalibrate!

FYI - Most common issue I see is that scale is not properly leveled/verified before using check weights.