Cellular Trail Cameras vs Regular Trail Cameras


Dec 2, 2022
Good evening everyone,
I’m going on a hunt I’ve gotten drawn for, I have been on this hunt once before and I cannot remember if there was cell service or not, I’m 99%sure there isn’t but I could be wrong. The hunt is in October and I’m going up in a week or two to set some cameras and do some scouting pre hunt, would like to put cameras out then and am debating on buying cellular cameras but if there’s no service I’m wondering if I should just buy regular cameras to save money. I understand that cell cameras will still take pictures when they don’t have service from what I’m told, and I’ve also heard that certain cell cameras have service in places that cell phones don’t have service in…I’ve used cell cameras before but not too often and was wondering does anyone have any experience or input on what you would recommend or do based on personal experience.
Thanks, Shane


Dec 12, 2021
I have used cell cameras in areas that have very poor to no cell service. Sometimes the cameras will work and sometimes they won’t. There seems to be no rhyme or reason as to why. Also when a camera can’t connect sending a photo to the cell tower it will keep trying which sucks the life out of your batteries extremely fast. If you want reliability I would use a regular camera.