"Cecil" the Lion

This was on MSN's front page this afternoon. Glad the facts came out and he got the outcome he deserved based on those facts.
Same as framegate (deflategate) with Brady and the pats. Everyone jumped on the bandwagon by false rumors in the media with the crazy witch hunt, when it went in front of a fed judge is was ruled that Brady and the pats did nothing wrong. Funny how it was so quiet after that in the media. Most media are scum so it doesn't surprise me.
Not guilty isn't the same thing as innocent. The PH and landowner may still have to answer for misdeeds related to the hunt.
Same as framegate (deflategate) with Brady and the pats. Everyone jumped on the bandwagon by false rumors in the media with the crazy witch hunt, when it went in front of a fed judge is was ruled that Brady and the pats did nothing wrong. Funny how it was so quiet after that in the media. Most media are scum so it doesn't surprise me.

That entire thing was just a dog & pony show to keep the NFL in the headlines during the off season.
And yet they still managed to put their spin on the story, making it seem the PH and landowner were doing something illegal just because they were hunting the animal over bait near the border of the park. Last I heard the only legal issue in question was whether they had lion permit and/or quota to take a lion in this area.
That entire thing was just a dog & pony show to keep the NFL in the headlines during the off season.

Oh yeah but it's just another example of how the media will bombard a story or person with false facts to appeal to the blind sheep. Then they won't acknowledge their mistakes or actually investigate for facts instead of relying on rumor or speculation.

Also displays the media is just a shit stirrer. If there's a strong sentiment for or against something they will play to that sentiment without any facts. Horrible.