Cash's First Season & Muley Buck

robby denning

Staff member
Feb 25, 2012
SE Idaho
For most men, not long after he holds his baby boy or girl for the first time, he kindles a hope that the child will one day want to learn the ways of the hunt. Not all children develop that desire, but for the ones that do there is one excited Dad watching it all happen.

My son Cash turned 10 this year, and thanks to Idaho Fish and Game lowering the legal age to hunt, was able to take hunter's safety course. We started in March and for a kid whom we have to beg to do homework, he took to the course with excitement and wonder.


Thanks to Ken, the hunter ed instructor, for helping this next generation of hunters along their way.


Cash and I took special notice of the big bucks hanging in the classroom. Actually makes it easier to study with them around and I'm gonna ask Jodi about adding a few more upstairs at home where the kids study.




He passed his test with flying colors and didn't do too bad on range day either. Once graduated, it was time to hit the spring hills for some outside target practice. Cash has a Rossi .22 he's been shooting for several years but with his license in hand, there was a new vigor in his spirit to learn about shooting and hunting. I can't count the number of questions he's asked me about the subjects these last months.



He was only good to about 20 yards so I knew we'd have to practice throughout the summer to get him to 100 yards, the minimum I figured we'd have to be able to do to hunt mule deer.
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Cash's First Season & Muley Buck

His Grandpa died in November 2014, and left Cash a .308 Savage Model 99. That's a lot of gun for a 95lb kid, so I loaded up some 110 grain Hornaday AMAX bullets in front of 20 grains of IMR SR 4759.

With minimal kick, he was able to bust water-filled milk jugs out to about 75 yards. He shot several boxes of shells over the summer



We ran out of time to practice to 100 but with his 75 yard groups, I was satisfied he could shoot to 100 yards and beyond.

I bought him a box of Hornady Light 125 grain SSTs and sighted him in the night before the season.
We hit the hills opening morning, and got on some bucks. These deer live in brushy country and travel quite a bit between feed and bed, so are hard to spot & stalk or ambush. Opening day passed with no shots, but little man wasn't discouraged.

Up early on day two, we hit the same draws as the day before as we'd been careful not to spook the bucks from yesterday.

They were still in the area and we played cat & mouse for several hours but never could get closer than about 250-300 yards, too far for the boy and the load. We finally got a break when the bucks ducked into some cover and we were able to cut some yardage and set a little ambush where I hoped they'd appear. It was 186 yards according to the Swaro' ELs and we couldn't get a yard closer. About 10 minutes passed and wouldn't you know it, the best buck of the bunch stepped a few yards out of the quakies.

I already had Cash set up over my KDC tripod/Leuopold scope.


Nervous about the distance, I told him,

"Keep your gun ON safety, put your crosshairs on the buck's shoulder, and squeeze that trigger."

Puzzled, he said "OK Dad," and did what I said.

I asked "Do the crosshairs stay on his shoulder when you squeeze?"

"Yip, they do Dad," he said with confidence.

"OK son, flip the safety off and when he's stopped again and broadside, do that same thing again."

I had a tag, too, so I flipped up my CA 270 WSM and held on the buck in case this went badly.

"Boom!" the little Savage roared...

The rest is the video of what happened next, and certainly one of the best days of my life.


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Awesome Robby so happy for you guys. Can't wait till I can take my own kids out hunting

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This is what we do is all about thanks for sharing Robby. Spent the weekend taking my 7 and 4 year old out hoping to see some animals my self, much better than just going my self, someday it will happen
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That is absolutely awesome! My youngest boy turns 10 this spring and he's super exited about hunting big game. 2 more years though for here in NV
thanks everyone, Slim, you're gonna love those days. I bet he's excited after watching his killer ol' man stackin' 'em up!