I bought this in January but switched to a thumb release. Selling it to fund a backup thumb release.
Used it for probably 2 months of light practice. Never hunted with it. Like new condition.
$85 TYD paypal F&F.
Wore these for 2 seasons but lost some weight and have gone down a size.
They're in good shape. Some small snags but no tears or stains, etc. Selling to fund the size 34s that I wear now.
$90 TYD paypal F&F.
I prefer the way the marsupial opens so keeping the marsupial and selling this one. Previous owner had stained it so color is a little off. Works great though. Size M. I fit the old diamondback 10x50's in it no problem.
$90 TYD Paypal F&F
Don't have much feedback on here but can send you screenshots from other forums if needed.
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