Carson Wentz proves Matt Rinella’s point

Do any of you asking for an end to hunting in the media, see how effective the opposite action has been for the LGBTQ+ movement? Moving attitudes past shock and into mundane acceptance has occured due to a prolific campaign of flooding media with their ideals and images.

I don't think hunters going into the closet will have any positive effect on the future of hunting. I think normalizing hunting should be the goal.
So…………. Hunters should start having parades carrying our grip/grin pictures and taxidermy while prancing around in leather booty shorts blasting Lady Gaga’s song- Born this way.
I don’t think it’ll work, but I do enjoy booty shorts and a good parade. So I’ll try it just this once.
The difference in hunting and the LGBTQ XYZ LMNOP movement is the LGbtq xyz Lmnop movement has the "mainstream" media behind them along with Budweiser, Coke, and the cartoon toilet paper bears.

It is a different use of a bear.

This thread seems to be a good example of some hunters wanting to exclude mainstream media. I think hunting would get right back to being the norm very fast if "we" embraced those with prominence. I think it's a contradictory thing to say hunting doesn't have mainstream media support, those who do fit the description are pushed back.

So…………. Hunters should start having parades carrying our grip/grin pictures and taxidermy while prancing around in leather booty shorts blasting Lady Gaga’s song- Born this way.
I don’t think it’ll work, but I do enjoy booty shorts and a good parade. So I’ll try it just this once.

Not so extreme, but yes. I don't think hunters should hide anything about why they hunt, what they get out of it, how it makes them a better person, etc. I think treating something hush hush/taboo/in the closet provides a presumption that it is controversial or potentially bad. My experience has been when you treat something like it is normal, those who are ignorant to a position on the subject, easily adopt it as being normal.
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I agree, we should not hide. We’ve done nothing wrong, and we are the reasons we have the wild game we do today.

He could’ve made a post extolling the virtues of the hunting lifestyle.
He could’ve shared pictures of the scenery of the hunt, his friends and guides he shared the outdoors with.
He just had to put a dead bear on the first picture and say “bucket list”

I’m really not trying to be overly critical. But I do wonder why we constantly feel the need to advertise the kill to strangers. Is he more of a hunter in my eyes because I actually saw the bear he killed?
I agree, we should not hide. We’ve done nothing wrong, and we are the reasons we have the wild game we do today.

He could’ve made a post extolling the virtues of the hunting lifestyle.
He could’ve shared pictures of the scenery of the hunt, his friends and guides he shared the outdoors with.
He just had to put a dead bear on the first picture and say “bucket list”

I’m really not trying to be overly critical. But I do wonder why we constantly feel the need to advertise the kill to strangers. Is he more of a hunter in my eyes because I actually saw the bear he killed?
Could've would've should've ...

I don't disagree with you, but he did him.

You have to let people have that.
How does his post of a dead black bear educate?
How does your support of that post educate?
Most of his posts have about 500 comments. The latest one has over 19,000. I’ll let you guess if anyone was educated there

Also, do you have a way I can get all the neutrals in America to ignore the headlines they’re being shown with anti hunting propaganda now? Cuz I’d be all over that.
If I had the patience right now to learn how to also quote (multi-quote) from someone below (@MuleyFever), I would, but I don't.

Paraphrasing him, this post of a dead black bear shows a natural, normal, legal activity.

Our job is to get the 19,000 to see it as that, and to ignore the h̶e̶a̶d̶l̶i̶n̶e̶s̶ --err, ---bomb-throwers ....
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Totally unrelated but the best post I've ever seen that included a QB was the one that said the US State Dept had obtained a new weapon to overthrow foreign governments... it was a picture of Mitch Trubisky
He did his share of overthrows.
I agree, we should not hide. We’ve done nothing wrong, and we are the reasons we have the wild game we do today.

He could’ve made a post extolling the virtues of the hunting lifestyle.
He could’ve shared pictures of the scenery of the hunt, his friends and guides he shared the outdoors with.
He just had to put a dead bear on the first picture and say “bucket list”

I’m really not trying to be overly critical. But I do wonder why we constantly feel the need to advertise the kill to strangers. Is he more of a hunter in my eyes because I actually saw the bear he killed?
This is in line with my view. Hunting won't be advanced well by just posting pictures of dead animals. Hunting is a whole lot more than a dead animal and presenting the experience and food as the end result is the way to make it normalized.

However, according to so many threads on here we don't want it normalized, right? That will just lead to more hunters. So maybe hiding in the shadows is the best thing? 🤔
I've read one article that featured posts from all the anti's
Looked to me from the pics that the Ol Boy got the job done...congrats to him !!
As far as the negative comments if it were me I'd just chuckle and let them remain ignorant and continue to live in their little shell
Do any of you asking for an end to hunting in the media, see how effective the opposite action has been for the LGBTQ+ movement? Moving attitudes past shock and into mundane acceptance has occured due to a prolific campaign of flooding media with their ideals and images.

I don't think hunters going into the closet will have any positive effect on the future of hunting. I think normalizing hunting should be the goal.
Hunting has been normal since man has lived in caves. What do you mean by “normalizing” hunting?
I've read one article that featured posts from all the anti's
Looked to me from the pics that the Ol Boy got the job done...congrats to him !!
As far as the negative comments if it were me I'd just chuckle and let them remain ignorant and continue to live in their little shell
Tell that to Washington state bear hunters.
Or British Columbian grizzly hunters.
If we’re not careful, we’ll chuckle while we lose rights to ignorant voices.

All so some celebrity can post dead bears to strangers
Tell that to Washington state bear hunters.
Or British Columbian grizzly hunters.
If we’re not careful, we’ll chuckle while we lose rights to ignorant voices.

All so some celebrity can post dead bears to strangers
I am a WA bear/elk/deer hunter so I'm well aware of what is being done
I never said anything about losing rights but I did say "I'd chuckle at them because of their comments
Good grief lets make a mountain from a mole hill
I view "normalization" as an every day acceptance by a majority of the society in question. In this case, my view is the Western first-world population.
Well, that ship has sailed. Hunting was and always will be normal. Heck, hunting is the reason man exists every human on earth has hunting/hunters in their blood and past whether they want to admit it or not. Someone in their bloodline was a hunter.

What’s changed is the people. They are the ones that aren’t normal anymore and there is no way you’re changing them anymore than any of them could convince you that you need to quit hunting and live off of soy lattes.

When people can’t see eye to eye it’s best to just go your separate ways. I definitely don’t hide hunting i’m as obviously a hunter as could be be in my day to day. However, FB, IG, Twitter etc is the realm of the weird so i don’t fraternize with them there as i have zero Social Media accounts. Similar to how we never have any blue haired social media/phone addicted types in our hunting camps. Only normal people allowed there.

Man historically has never been about sitting around a campfire altogether singing songs, holding hands, and saying dumb stuff like “we are all human”. Nope, we’ve always had warring clans, tribes, nations etc. We aren’t all meant to get along and agree with each other man isn’t wired that way. Nothing has changed today. Stay normal brother and don’t give those social media addicted weirdos another millisecond of your time they aren’t in your clan. Best to just ignore them and go about your businesses of killing your food like normal people do.
there are just too many people. period. that has the biggest impact on our wildlife in the oceans or on land. too many who are 100% unable to provide for themselves should they ever need to and oblivious to just how violent life, and the food chain actually is. go sit in the woods and watch how it works. we will always be driven to hunt. the world would be a better place, i think, if we all had to harvest or grow our own food - there were be fewer people and a better understanding that some things are killed even if you're planting crops vs harvesting meat. but, given the way things are wildlife MUST be managed and hunting is now a part of that, not for just our survival.