Carrying turkey decoys

Apr 28, 2021
What are you guys using to carry your decoys in ? I have couple compressible, and another non-compressible decoy. Currently I use an old army duffle bag over the shoulder. I've seen guys with neoprene decoys stuffed in their back pouch. Was thinking about breaking out my kifaru ma deuce and stuffin them in there. It drives me crazy dropping and loosing stakes. It would be also nice if it was quick set up so you can be ready for that suprise gobbler. What's worked for you? Thanks
It depends where I hunt. I use a Jake and hen that aren’t collapsible so not easy to carry without getting creative.

If hunting close to the road, I will use a cheap mesh duck decoy bag and stuff them both in there. If hunting a mile or more from the road I will throw them in my SG Talus 6900 along with mesh bag so if if I kill a tom, I can just throw the bird in the pack and not have to carry it over my shoulder.
It's super nice having a backpack capable of hefty loads for long pack outs. Not only for decoys but also carrying out 1 or 2 toms! If you've shot 1 or 2 toms very far from the truck you know exactly what I'm talking about...aint fun! If I'm hiking in a ways I use my Kifaru EMR II. I mostly use collapsibles when hiking any distance. There are plenty of pocket and lid options with different kifaru bags and accessories for stakes, calls, etc. I often strap my rifle on my pack when hauling birds out.
I think I might try my kifaru pack and see how that works . Initially it seemed like overkill, but with decoys and a Tom makes sense.
I’ve been using a large vest and sticking the decoys in the back opening. But am switching it up now because the vest isn’t comfortable.

Went with the FHF chest rig to lighten the load. And when carrying decoys, I’m going to try to stick them in the bird bag pull out of the Eberlestock Mini Me.
My knight and hale vest has a strap that attached to your shoulders and you can carry a single decoy high up on your back out of the way, you could make something like it out of para cord and figure out a way to attach it.

I rarely use a decoy anymore but this thing works well! Look up RNG 200 or 300 vest and you should be able to find the decoy strap.
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Pull golf carts from Goodwill has worked well for us. Bolt a bucket or crate to bottom plate to support blind. Loop decoys over the bundle. Saves a lot of lugging.
I like use my Kuiu 3600 for Turkey hunting. I like having the space for the decoy in the main compartment and the meat shelf for hauling out a gobbler.
"Carrying turkey decoys" the bane of my existence! I may never kill another turkey, but I have a new goal to kill one with my recurve without decoys. I hate carrying them. Sorry, my post is not helpful but I feel better.
"Carrying turkey decoys" the bane of my existence! I may never kill another turkey, but I have a new goal to kill one with my recurve without decoys. I hate carrying them. Sorry, my post is not helpful but I feel better.
Hence the post. It drives me crazy carrying the things ,but they sure work when lover boy shows up. Good luck with recurve.
I use the DSD provided bag for a jake and a hen. I throw it over my should/across my chest and don't notice they are there. When successful, I throw the Tom in the back of my vest and that is so much better than throwing it over my shoulder.
EXO 2800 (old) carries my chair and jakehouse blinds and some other small odds n ends. A Funky Chicken Jake slides into one of long side pockets. Stakes go in stretch side pocket. Avian hens (lay down and watcher) get deflated and put into one Avian bag which then gets strapped to the outside of EXO pack with a HPG beavertail style flap. I can be unpacked and fully setup in 5 minutes or so.
I have a new goal to kill one with my recurve without decoys

I wish you all the best sir. After 30 years of public land turkey hunting, I'll continue to use a scattergun. I can't imagine ever getting a public bird (at least here) in position with a bow.
There were also a couple of brands of super collapsible decoys on sale at retailers recently. I've never used any of the specific ones they had on super sale, but they looked like decent options and way more packable.
I wish you all the best sir. After 30 years of public land turkey hunting, I'll continue to use a scattergun. I can't imagine ever getting a public bird (at least here) in position with a bow.
I killed one a few years ago with a longbow without a blind, but I did have the decoys out. Killed a few with compounds prior to that. Now I want one without either.
I too was curious about this Q. I'm deciding between collapsible decoys vs the nicer ones like Avians or DSDs. The Avians & DSDs just seem so bulky. I run-n-gun & don't want to haul 1-3 full size decoys in a bag, plus if I harvest a Tom, seems like too much.

Anyone have suggestions on best collapsible decoys?
Decoy bag with a strap over the shoulder is how I do it. Although along with a pack and gun it can be a lot when going through thick stuff. But it works and I haven't come up with anything better and I haven't felt the need to replace my current decoys with collapsible