Was gifted a Canon EOS Rebel T3 camera for christmas this year. It came with a Canon EFS 18-55mm lens. This is the start of my photography journey and want to make sure I get started off correctly. From what I understand the camera is around 5-6 years old but in very good shape and used very rarely. Where can I find some good instructional videos that are from credible sources to start learning? I'm very inexperienced with photography and photo editing. What software do most of you use for your editing needs? Also is the current lens a good startup lens or is there a one size fits all lens for starters that I should look into? Just to give you a little bit of insight of what I plan on shooting with the camera are family pictures, kayaking, wildlife, and landscape. These are for my own needs. Not looking at starting a business in photography. Any input, pointers, and advice is always welcomed and desired. Thanks in advance!